RTL: Crown of Elder Kings and Enslaved

By Jerbot, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Quick question that I cant seem to find an answer to:

Does the ability of the Crown of Elder Kings (or whatever the Gold level legendary dungeon prize is called) negate the activation of Enslaving by the Brother vs Brother plot? The thought was that the hero with the item equipped if chosen as the one who gets enslaved would be immune, thereby negating the 30 xp plot card, because being Enslaved is a lingering effect. If I could get a little direction as to where to look for an answer that would be great!

I haven't read the brother against brother card, but unless the effect says that it is a "lingering effect" then, even if it can happen over the course of time, it isn't a lingering. Remember, there is a section in the RTL book that lists the lingering effects of the game. If it isn't there, and isn't specified as a lingering effect, then it isn't one no matter how much similarity to one it has.

If it is a lingering effect, then it would render the plot card useless.

Yes, it is listed as a Lingering Effect. So its an interesting question.

My inclination, and this is not a ruling by any means, is that the Crown does not get around Enslaved since it says once the plot card is played and the hero is enslaved, the effect is permenant. I've taken that to mean that it can't be negated by anything, but I could be wrong there.

So which is it? Is there anything official on this question at all? I understand the two options, I am just not sure which has more merit. Thanks for your help...

Jerbot said:

So which is it? Is there anything official on this question at all? I understand the two options, I am just not sure which has more merit. Thanks for your help...

No, there is nothing official on this question.

Merit wise, I'd go with the permanent effect not being able to be removed thing.
We have a general rule (although the Crown is specifically able to avoid lingering effects the whole 'remove/avoid lingering effects' thing can be done in several ways) and a specific rule ('permanent' lingering effect is unique I think), and as a general rule the specific trumps the general. However that could be argued the other way also ('permanent' is a more general term even if unique (and doesn't even specify non-removal/avoidance), whereas the removal/avoidance effects are all specifically detailed. So my choice there might be strongly influenced by the balance perspective.

From balance perspectives...
Brother vs Brother is an expensive upgrade and the main point behind that particular plot - it is the only plot that focuses on the final battle and doesn't have an earlier win strategy. It is also the weakest plot - even when it happens it is effectively only 1 1/3 figures vs 3 2/3 figures. To remove even that slim chance on a 1/4 guaranteed is very rough. ANd there isn;t anything really that the OL can do to prevent the heroes getting the crown. All they have to do is not give up on that final legendary dungeon. Indeed, they can effectively give out an infinite amount of CT if it is their last dungeon, since the OL never gets a chance to spend any of it (and could only buy one upgrade even if he was givena chance).