RtL Dungeon 30 Question

By niarBaD, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So in dungeon level 30 "Stuck in the middle" the heroes get webbed when they step in a red X. So i've got a question about what happened in my game and just curious what you would've done in this situation:





A hero stepped there the H is, I played a falling rock trap, and moved them up into the web to the north. This player is now blocking the only other way into the room (we play that at corners you can't go diagonal since y'know, corner would block it) Since we have the rock blocking the bottom entrance(the H) and the hero blocking the spot just to the north... can any other heroes even move through that space? Since the second they step there they get webbed and can no longer spend any movement points, but at the same time the other hero is occupying it so logic says they wouldn't be able to move past that space at all and I effectively sealed them into that corner until the hero in the front breaks free from the web or dies.

As far as I can remember, effect tokens do not take effect until the beginning of a players turn.

That should solve your problem.

I believe the intent of the web in this room is for the effect to play immediately. The real issue is that you are not allowing movement through diagonals when there are caddycorner obstacles. That's a fundamental change to the game, and results in issues like this. Play correctly, and the issue doesn't exist. Problem solved.

pinkymadigan said:

I believe the intent of the web in this room is for the effect to play immediately. The real issue is that you are not allowing movement through diagonals when there are caddycorner obstacles. That's a fundamental change to the game, and results in issues like this. Play correctly, and the issue doesn't exist. Problem solved.

You get a web token immediately, but the web token does not take effect until the start of the hero'ss next turn. It only blocks movement if a hero / monster still has tokens on himself after rolling to remove them.

Badend said:

pinkymadigan said:

I believe the intent of the web in this room is for the effect to play immediately. The real issue is that you are not allowing movement through diagonals when there are caddycorner obstacles. That's a fundamental change to the game, and results in issues like this. Play correctly, and the issue doesn't exist. Problem solved.

You get a web token immediately, but the web token does not take effect until the start of the hero'ss next turn. It only blocks movement if a hero / monster still has tokens on himself after rolling to remove them.

Yes, that is the RAW, but as I stated, I'm arguing intent.

pinkymadigan said:

I believe the intent of the web in this room is for the effect to play immediately. The real issue is that you are not allowing movement through diagonals when there are caddycorner obstacles. That's a fundamental change to the game, and results in issues like this. Play correctly, and the issue doesn't exist. Problem solved.

Agreed. That's the way we played this level. The heroes stopped their movement when they got webbed on a X. Just seemed right. I allowed them to finish their turn (i.e. attack if they could) and spend unused movement for things like potions, but no more movement. I'm glad I don't have a bunch of rules lawyers in the group who might have argued the point.

edroz said:

pinkymadigan said:

I believe the intent of the web in this room is for the effect to play immediately. The real issue is that you are not allowing movement through diagonals when there are caddycorner obstacles. That's a fundamental change to the game, and results in issues like this. Play correctly, and the issue doesn't exist. Problem solved.

Agreed. That's the way we played this level. The heroes stopped their movement when they got webbed on a X. Just seemed right. I allowed them to finish their turn (i.e. attack if they could) and spend unused movement for things like potions, but no more movement. I'm glad I don't have a bunch of rules lawyers in the group who might have argued the point.

Pinky: We just played how we felt was more reasonable. Excuse us if it caused undo issues, we were just wondering how you would play it in that moment assuming you played the same way of not moving diagonally around corners.

Edroz: Web wouldn't end there turn, I agree on that point. However if you play it takes effect immediately (Which we did) web prevents all movement points from being spent including potions :P

niarBaD said:

Since the second they step there they get webbed and can no longer spend any movement points, but at the same time the other hero is occupying it so logic says they wouldn't be able to move past that space at all and I effectively sealed them into that corner until the hero in the front breaks free from the web or dies.

Can't heroes move through each other, but just not end their movement on top of each other?

But more importantly, the no diagonals on corners may make logical sense (if your thinking of the situation being as close to what would simulate reality the best), the mechanics of the game are built to allow movement in this manner, and so levels are designed accordingly. Changing that does indeed screw up this level to some degree, which is a risk that you take when changing the base rules. If everyone in your group is fine with those house-rules, then they shouldn't be too upset when they come back to bite them in the butt.

SamVimes said:

But more importantly, the no diagonals on corners may make logical sense (if your thinking of the situation being as close to what would simulate reality the best), the mechanics of the game are built to allow movement in this manner, and so levels are designed accordingly. Changing that does indeed screw up this level to some degree, which is a risk that you take when changing the base rules. If everyone in your group is fine with those house-rules, then they shouldn't be too upset when they come back to bite them in the butt.

+1 to this answer. If you don't allow them to move diagonal past a corner, I hope you also don't allow them to move diagonal between two pieces of rubble to be consistent.

SamVimes said:

niarBaD said:

Since the second they step there they get webbed and can no longer spend any movement points, but at the same time the other hero is occupying it so logic says they wouldn't be able to move past that space at all and I effectively sealed them into that corner until the hero in the front breaks free from the web or dies.

Can't heroes move through each other, but just not end their movement on top of each other?

But more importantly, the no diagonals on corners may make logical sense (if your thinking of the situation being as close to what would simulate reality the best), the mechanics of the game are built to allow movement in this manner, and so levels are designed accordingly. Changing that does indeed screw up this level to some degree, which is a risk that you take when changing the base rules. If everyone in your group is fine with those house-rules, then they shouldn't be too upset when they come back to bite them in the butt.

Yes the heroes can, but we were playing the dungeon with the impression that the web would take effect immediately. Thus creating a moment where they would have to exist in the same spot.

Oh yea, after we found out we actually *could* (I forget the original logic other than it seemed right around those corners) we still played it this way out of habit. My one friend thought it was ingenious planning (when In reality I just wanted someone to finally step and get webbed :P ) That's why i'm on here asking opinions on how you all would've handled that situation. (We simply played it where they were blocked off till the Runewitch got free of that web.)

If you are going to have the web markers take effect imediately then the closest example that is covered by the rules is the grapple ability. With grapple if a space is occupied then another hero could move through it without being stopped. I think this is covered in the Gloaq. There is also another way that the space could be cleared. If you are playing with Telekinesis then they could move the hero out of the web square. The stuck hero would still have a web token but the space would be clear for another person to move in and get stuck. Repeat as needed. The web token moving with the hero is covered in the FAQ.
