Guitalex2008 just made a post about previously overlooked cards that are in the new standard. In an effort to not derail his thread, I just figured I'd make a new one about Distracting Taunt specifically.
What do you all think of this card?
Personally, I want to like it, but I'm not really sold on it for two reasons. For one thing, it has the words I hate to see most on any reduction card: minimum 1. Secondly, if you're opponent is playing a statistically sound deck and not going for any block antics (as they could have done previously in a Chain of Command deck), they're not likely to have a ton of high block modifiers. It's sure doesn't help against Menuett Dance, Midnight Launcher, or Knight Breaker to name a few.
So, does anyone maindeck this card? How many of you sideboard it?