Heck, I just got the game and I'm already hoping for an expansion. Reason: not enough famous Characters: no Galadriel, no Elron, no Tom Bombadil...well, i can understand how ol' Tom didn't make it in--he didn't make the movie either, though Peter Jackson had hoped to put him in--but to not have Galadriel or Elron for the heroes to interact with: that I really miss. Of course, they may be found in encounter cards; I haven't played the game yet. But still, it would be nice to have them as stand-up Characters--I miss them and had been hoping to seek them out in Rivendell and Loth-Lorien.
But having read the rules and looked over the components, I have to say this looks like one of the best games I've seen in this genre, ever. Well done, Corey and Christian.
And I'd still love to see Tom Bombadil in the game!