Help me about SPIRITWALKER....please!

By zarikaz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all,

I have some doubts about SPIRTWALKER. My principal doubt is about the LoS (if spirtiwalker's user need or not LoS with the hero where starts attack), but searching in this forum i found some topics about this point and all of you said...NO!.... Spiritwalker's user DON'T need LoS with others hero!

Now my doubt is:... in this way, the wizard with spiritwalker can play ALL campaign stand alone on the starting glyph and to declare battle action each turn!!!....or better.... rest in town (in tamalir for the campaign)... and to become in this way invulnerable!!! Otherwise... standing in town... he can trade all treasures his friends get with chestes.

My other doubt is: can a hero with a guard order use spiritwalker ability????? If yes... how does it stacks with what i said before??? And expecially... If someone has LEADERSHIP ability???? JITD rulesbook say i can get some order also if i stay in the city!!!!

In advanced campaign daungeons aren't so big... maybe they can be 2 or 3 room....6x6 spaces... Now... if i don't need LoS... standing on my starting spaces and declaring a battle action... with my friend who declared run action before then me and runned 10 spaces (is an exemple but i played some situation similar to this one)... adding 5 spaces by spiritwalker... with a rune with blast or breath ability... i can defeat all OL's monster (also 5-6) during the first turn, before they can had the possibility to do something! I say to you it's possible... i make this a lot of time!!!!!

I think... if all i supposed is possible.... SPIRITWALKER is too powerfull... and i can't understand why FFG has banned from RtL campaign some skills like telekinesis and not this one.

Can someone explain to me... a poor noob: where i'm wronging???? Is there something i don't see... some rules i don't know... so that i wrong the way to play spiritwalker??? Or Is right to suppose SPIRITWALKER is too powerfull to be used in RtL???????

Thanks for your kindness.

zarikaz said:

Hi all,

I have some doubts about SPIRTWALKER. My principal doubt is about the LoS (if spirtiwalker's user need or not LoS with the hero where starts attack), but searching in this forum i found some topics about this point and all of you said...NO!.... Spiritwalker's user DON'T need LoS with others hero!

Now my doubt is:... in this way, the wizard with spiritwalker can play ALL campaign stand alone on the starting glyph and to declare battle action each turn!!!....or better.... rest in town (in tamalir for the campaign)... and to become in this way invulnerable!!! Otherwise... standing in town... he can trade all treasures his friends get with chestes.

My other doubt is: can a hero with a guard order use spiritwalker ability????? If yes... how does it stacks with what i said before??? And expecially... If someone has LEADERSHIP ability???? JITD rulesbook say i can get some order also if i stay in the city!!!!

In advanced campaign daungeons aren't so big... maybe they can be 2 or 3 room....6x6 spaces... Now... if i don't need LoS... standing on my starting spaces and declaring a battle action... with my friend who declared run action before then me and runned 10 spaces (is an exemple but i played some situation similar to this one)... adding 5 spaces by spiritwalker... with a rune with blast or breath ability... i can defeat all OL's monster (also 5-6) during the first turn, before they can had the possibility to do something! I say to you it's possible... i make this a lot of time!!!!!

I think... if all i supposed is possible.... SPIRITWALKER is too powerfull... and i can't understand why FFG has banned from RtL campaign some skills like telekinesis and not this one.

Can someone explain to me... a poor noob: where i'm wronging???? Is there something i don't see... some rules i don't know... so that i wrong the way to play spiritwalker??? Or Is right to suppose SPIRITWALKER is too powerfull to be used in RtL???????

Thanks for your kindness.

First, you have what appears to be some strange ideas about Spiritwalker.

1) Your primary problem is that you appear to have missed that they changed the range for Spiritwalker In Road to Legend. Spiritwalker is only 5 spaces, not 10. There is a ruling in the FAQ that changes the range.

2) Spiritwalker does not require LOS.

3) They can not use Spiritwalker from town, since when in town they are not 5 spaces away from another hero. You have to be in the dungeon to use it. I'm not even sure why you would think you could do this.

4) Yes, a hero with Spiritwalker can do a Guard attack with it through another hero.

5) I'm not sure how the situation works where he runs 10 spaces and "adds 5 spaces with Spiritwalker" works. Spiritwalker doesn't "add" spaces to anything so I'm not even sure what you are referring to.

Spiritwalker when it was 10 spaces in RtL was too powerful because exactly what you are talking about would happen. Having it now be 5 spaces forces the person with it to move and stay in range of someone else and gives the OL plenty of chances to kill him. I've played against Spiritwalker a number of times and never had a major problem handling that person.

Play it with the correct range and not being able to use it from town and you're problem will go away.

It looks like maybe the OP misread the skill and thought it meant that the owner could attack as if they were standing anywhere within X spaces of the position of any hero in the game, rather than only allowing the owner to attack as if standing in exactly the same position as any hero within X spaces of the owner's actual position.

Yes Antistone...

Reading Big Remy's 3rd point i understand my only fault was bought the italian version of the game. Very very bad translation.

Now i'm controlling the original text of the card...and i've understood! Spiritwalker user's have to stay up to 5 spaces of an ally and attack starts form that ally's square!... Reading italian card it seems the attack could starts from any square which stay up to 5 spaces of an ANY ally on the board!!!!!

thanks very much for your both clarifications.....bye

Sometimes I wonder if they just plug the card text into like Babelfish and then cut and paste it into the non-English versions of the cards without checking how it translated.