Xandria said:
Pinkymadigan, you're playtesting Seaside? Cool!
See, Dominion is a game that has seen tons of playtest. Te rules are clear, the cards are clear, the interactions are... clear? At first, I thought it was possible to build an infinity combo, before I read the rule that played action cards get reshuffled only at the end of the turn.
So. You might try to convince FFG to playtest more
Thumbs up for Seaside!
I haven't yet myself, I just joined the club. But yeah, I know that the designer brings it into sessions. I just started playing Dominion myself, but the people at the club talk about the designer and the Seaside non-stop if you even mention Dominion.
I don't know how many areas have a group like CABS, but it's pretty much an awesome deal. For $35 I can go to around 40 meetings a year and play new or new to me games (they easily have 1000+ games) and check out games as well for in between sessions. If there are groups like these in anyone else's area I highly recommend them.