I was just kind of wondering if any consideration might have been given to possibly allowing the older Shadowar character promos to be used in block 4. I know that they have been around for a while, but it seems kind of odd that they would be dropped when their set is still in rotation. To my knowledge, none of them destabilized the game, (closest being Zi Mei who is extremely powerful aggro or Zhao Daiyu due to NPE for her control hacks). It just seems weird that the only character promos are non-set characters and Astrid. Anyways I'm sure that this is just wishful thinking on my part.
On a side notes, does anyone know what the promo SW1 6/7 is? I was going through my collection of promos and could not locate or piece together what this might be. I know its is not a broken, injury card. Thanks for any ideas.