shall we ever have the third wave of RtL Lieutenants?

By TheHunterBoy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

SamVimes said:

Other sculpts on the market are generally larger, and, honestly, better. Plus, if you are getting the Lt's purely to not have to use the cardboard chits, for most you can use the extra heroes that sit in the box while a campaign is on. The bigger ones may actually be worth it...but I am not a fan of most of the sculpts.

That is a matter of opinon. And you know what they say about opinions? They are like assholes and EVERYONE has one. lengua.gif I have played my fair share of minis games and even worked for GW and have painted quite a few from various companies and for various games. And IN MY OPINION I think these stack up. And I don't think I said I was getting them to purely not use the cardboard chits. I got them because I enjoy the Descent mythos/world and the ability to field actual representations for me is a bonus. To each his own.

And to Scy800 I would have LOVED to see Avatar minis but as you said they are not really needed and for those you could find figs to represent them. I have some figures in my collection that will befit representation rather well. I too am looking forward to completing my painting of these LT's and fielding them.

Of course it's opinion. Mine is they are kinda meh. I really like most of the monster sculpts, hence why I got the game in the first place (though I phrased it as "honey, we need a dungeon crawler for Friday night gaming," not I need more minis. ;) The LT's for me are bland, especially the farrows. I hate the Kar-Amog-Atoth model, but I hate his design in the first place. But they are spendy. Maybe not Goldswords speny, but way spendier than most singles from other companies (Like Reaper. Now that Reaper is casting some pieces in non-white metal with more lead, some of their singles are only 3 bucks! I'm gonna get me a Monique de Noir...), and are on the small side.

Incidently, I worked for GW years ago, too. Wish I still had the discount...

To CanadianPittbull: Could you give me some tips concerning the Avatar miniatures you mentioned? I would like to know what figures resemble the avatars in your opinion!

SamVimes said:

Incidently, I worked for GW years ago, too. Wish I still had the discount...

Oh man do I hear ya! :P

CanadianPittbull said:

SamVimes said:

Incidently, I worked for GW years ago, too. Wish I still had the discount...

Oh man do I hear ya! :P

Amen to that!

I have all the Leutenants now. Extremely pricey though (£8 for Eliza, £12 for the big-stuff), crazy. I appreciate them being made from metal rather than the nasty vinyl stuff used for the main set, but it's a LOT OTT.