An Evil Plot Is Afoot (Session Report)

By jeff.kahan.1, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Finally had another chance to start a new RTL Campaign!

An Evil Plot Is Afoot!

There have been rumors of a new yet familiar evil brewing across the lands of Terrinoth and a call went forth to summon the bravest warriors in the land to thwart the evil Beastman Lord and her dreams of Ascension. Answering the call are One Fist the Mighty (Cleaving), Runewitch Astarra (Boggs the Rat), Bogran the Shadow (Acrobat) and Ispher (Cautious).
As the heroes gear up for their quest, rumors abound of new siege engines developed by the Beastman Lord that can destroy the city walls much more rapidly.

Week 1:
Sir Alric Farrow moves to Vynelvale. Armed with whatever was available in the shop at Tamalir, a few potions, and some surprise feats, our Party moves along the Thelsvan Highway towards the special market in Riverwatch, but before they reach it, they encounter an old man who tells the tale of Derafin the Mighty and please with them to recover his bones. They continue moving and discover the entrance to a dungeon. Confronted with the Arena, One Fist managed to cleave through some Skeletons and Bogran skillfully used Acrobat to unlock the exit and activate a glyph. So despite One Fist’s catastrophic miss rate (and due, in large part, to mismanagement by her highness), the heroes survive to the next level. Fire and Ice presented stiff resistance with hordes of monsters just piling up in the corridor. One Fist and Astarra both took the fast road to town, Bogran was able to acrobat through the horde and activate the glyph and it became readily apparent that it would continue to be an uphill struggle and the Party (wisely?) decides to flee back to Tamalir
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Week 2:
Sir Alric begins his siege of Vynelvale.
Recovering from their recent beating, the Party moves north to Frostgate and purchases some weapons and takes advantage of the alchemist. One Fist has acquired a cursed sword making him even more of a target and Bogran now fancies the Falcon’s Claw
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Week 3:
Alric continues the siege and is joined by his brother Merrick
Following the rumor discovered by the old man, the Party moves on to the Gate the North where they discover another hidden dungeon entrance. The heroes fight their way through the Throne Room (again despite One Fist’s drunken stupor and missing 2/3 of the time), with Astarra and Bogran dying once, and One Fist dying twice. traipse through the Garden and move on to the final level of the dungeon where they defeat the master ogre and discover the remains of Derafin the Mighty in a bone heap. The Party returns to Tamalir feeling slightly healthier.
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Week 4:
Confident that his brother can maintain the siege of Vynelvale, Sir Alric moves up to Riverwatch. Merrick continues the siege and isjoined by his sister Eliza.
The Heroes spend the week in Tamalir where One Fist and Ispher train up a power die, while the others shop, acquiring some new runes for Astarra and the Staff of the Wild and some more potions.
OL: 23 H:18 Campaign: 41

I think we all had fun and one of our players was new to Descent in general! Now if we can just find time for another session and continue onwards....