Anyone plays WHFB?

By Killer Power2, in Warhammer Invasion Off Topic

Count me as a player as well. My collection is mainly Empire, Dwarfs & Dark Elves, but i also have some High Elves and Bretonnia as well.

My brother pretty much collects the other armies available.

I play both Fantasy and 40K. For fantasy armies i Have dwarves, orcs and goblins, dark elves and am currently working on skaven and daemons of chaos. It was the fact that i played and didn't always have 3-8 hours to devote to a game that i was stupidly excited by the concept of a card game set in the universe.

how are u finding the card game Folen
are u liking it?

I have played Dark elves since the early 90's. Can field a large variety of DE armies. Have an empire army I never play, I have too many guns and not enough horses, and do not have time or interest to flesh them out. I have a fair size vampire army and 300 unpainted skaven army.

I still play WFB, but my armies are getting tired and dated, I just no longer enjoy painting and assembly and feel I have other things I should.rather be spending time on. With a baby on the way, I do not see that changing.

Thats why I love this game, it lays well, plays fast, gives me the escapest fantasy kick for a few hours a weekend or evening, nice and light, not too serious, love the game.

I have a 2500 point lizardmen army. A small Dwarf army a small army of goblins, very smal warrior of chars army, starting beastmen(maybe)

I am Loving the game....... I play Call of Cthulhu as well and Played a great deal of magic in my youth. I find this game really keeps with the spirit of the game that i love and the idea of the capitals and resources really appeals to me. now my wife who has no gaming background enjoys it as well due to the amazing artwork. Unfortunately their is not a huge community in my area (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) so most of the games are either in my gaming group or with my wife. Plus i find this game to be a great deal more balanced than cthulhu and forgiving to new players (though i don't competitive build just the original and one of each expansion).