Anyone plays WHFB?

By Killer Power2, in Warhammer Invasion Off Topic


I just wondered how many of you are playing the warhammer tabletop. Because that is why I became so excited for this game in the first place: It's a Warhammer LCG! A LCG in the universe of my most favourit TT.

So: Who plays WHFB and which army(s) do you own? :o )

i play. (= first it was Dark Elves, then Wood Elvises.. then and now its Daemons of Chaos.

I have some old Chaos Dwarfs and some new chaos dwarfs and some kit bashed chaos warrior heads on dwarf bodies...

New Chaos Dwarfs??))) in last like ten years there was only Hellcanon with CD... )

Depends what you mean by old chaos dwarfs I suppose. I still have some of the old Marauder Miniatures CDs from 15+ years ago.

So to answer the OP, yes I play and have done for some time. gran_risa.gif Armies include Chaos (various types), Goblins (with no orcs), Wood Elves (with no elves), Skaven, Lizardmen, Vampires, Empire and Dwarfs.

Yes i mean those realy old chaos dwarfs. And then the regular old ones. None of the 'new' 'chaos dwarfs' which are really just chaos servents that are stunted. :)

there's some rumors on WH community sites about "soon" army book for Chaos Dwarf's. But this for sure not happen in nearest year or two.

They've been saying 'soon' since the army list we're still using (in ravening hordes pamphlet) was released... I'm not holding my breath.

I am forcibly holding a greenskin under scolding hot water and having IT hold ITS breath.

I bought a a recent start set (goblins+dwarfs) and sometime play a round with a friend.

Kit bash me some Earthshakers FTW

vermillian said:

Kit bash me some Earthshakers FTW

I am wondering what you mean.

Chaos dwarf... don't they have an artillery piece called an "earthshaker cannon"?

Kit bash = make something from bits of other stuff...

Looks like, the internet is saying so.

After doing some search, it appears that Chaos Dwarfs times were before mine.

Yeah I play too. Ex Tomb Kings player, ( until they get a re-release) and currently a daemons of chaos player.

Although the Daemons are almost too savage to play at the moment.

Looking forward to the Skaven re-release as I always find those little ratmen comical :)


Last rumors on BoLS says that new Chaos Dwarfs will be made by Forge World.

Dark elfs and Beastmen(well waiting on their new book) here. (have had some empire and goblins though, and a few demons that used to work with my beastmen)

For Fantasy Im rocking Chaos Warriors and Skaven for my main armies ( greater than 3k point games) but have 2k worth of Dwarves, Ogres and Brettonian

I have a pretty good Empire Army for Fantasy. It's a good change of pace for 40k.

I wish the O&G list played like Invasion though. It would be awesome . . .

And where's the Fanatics!?

I'm actually a WH40K player and I picked up WH:I so i'd play a bit on the other side of the fence too as I like both settings.

Some years ago (back in the 5th edition or so), I collected a Goblin army (with no Orcs), with tons of Night Goblins and some Wolf Riders. Do I have to mention how Leadership rolls where devastating for my ranks :) .

Can't wait to see some "Goblins only" support and tactics cards.

I also bought some spare figures for other factions : Dwarves and Nurgles.

Last, if I had to build a WH40K army, I'ld collect a Chaos Space Marines one dedicated to Nurgle.

I won't touch actual GW stuff anymore, I cannot stand the company.

i play... i have a Ogre Kingdoms Army

i only have the one army.. cant afford anymore than that...
and the fact that i have 17 Blood Bowl teams doesnt help much :P
now a Blood Bowl LCG.... that would b awesome!

I play with Bretonnia, my main armie. Then I have some wood elves, lizardmen, skaven and vampire counts.

I used to play Orcs& Goblins back in the mid nineties, but then I couldn't see any more green colour and stopped painting/playing. Nowadays I have some Empire horseriders which still wait to be glued and painted. ^^

I've been playing for 13 years, and three of those were as a redshirt. I play High Elves; Wood Elves; Dwarfs; and Warriors, Daemons, and Beasts of Chaos.