Crack Shot?

By LoL KiLlJoY LoL, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

For the skill Crack Shot, do you have to have line of sight to who you are attacking or can you crackshot around a corner without line of sight?

LoL KiLlJoY LoL said:

For the skill Crack Shot, do you have to have line of sight to who you are attacking or can you crackshot around a corner without line of sight?

When making a Ranged or Magic attack, you may trace line of sight from any empty space that is adjacent to you.

You choose an empty space adjacent to your figure and trace the LOS from that space (instead of your own space) to the target space.
Your own figure does not need LOS, only the adjacent space you chose.
This can result in shooting around corners if your figure is close to the corner.


--HX H = hero with Crackshot, X = empty space
--R- R = Rubble blocking H's LOS
---T T = Target (blocked from H by the rubble)

H crackshots using LOS from space X to T.