Cave of Wonders Guardian in the Friend Area

By Sluppie, in Rules Discussions

Alrighty, something Choitz said in the "Best Deck" thread got me thinking about something.

As far as I know, the only way for Dark WR to get around Stealth Sneak is to retreat. But losing your whole friend zone can be pretty devastating as a Dark Player. So it kinda got me thinking....

If you read the bottom of CoWG's text, it says "If you decide to escape, you do not need to discard your Friend Cards." Now, when CoWG is on a world card, this obviously refers to the player who owns the world card that it is on. However... there's nothing in the text saying that CoWG's effect doesn't apply when CoWG is in the Friend Area. Most of the text is under the "When battling this card..." criteria, but that one last sentence has nothing to do with battling CoWG. It only deals with a player retreating. Add that to the fact that cards like Tinkerbell, meant to be used in the Friend Area, say " You gain +2 HP"

Therefore, one could concievably read CoWG's text to mean this: If a Dark Player has CoWG in the Friend Area, and that Dark Player chooses to escape from a world, that Dark Player does not need to discard his whole friend area.

Thoughts? Rulings? Anything?

While I like this idea, part of me has a few thoughts that are tellin me it won't work this way.

But honestly, if it did work, then a Dark World Runner would be quite plausable. Actually, it would be between difficult 'n easy. It'd be forced to be made into a magic deck, with a Parasite Cage for Phil.

To work on it, though, you must ALWAYS build it to work around Monstro lvl 1. Always. There is no exception to this rule. Otherwise, a Dark Deck will fall apart. Monstro is the Dark Deck's bane. It's biggest weakness. But when built around it, Monstro is it's greatest asset!

I'll leave it to you to figure out what I mean by this. In the mean time, keep thinkin outside the box, certainly. Not a bad idea at all.

Ya know...I'd say this would work according to the wording on the card.

Which makes Dark even better.

but while I can think outside the box pretty well...I apparently can't think THAT much outside the box, cause I don't know what Choitz is talkin about. lol

I don't think outside the box...

I am outside the box 'n have to think inside it. You guys have it really tough in there.

Choitz said:

I don't think outside the box...

I am outside the box 'n have to think inside it. You guys have it really tough in there.

Ya know....yeah...your right...

So what's yer thoughts on the matter, Mr. Dawn? Do you approve the idea, givin Dark Decks their one solid chance at World Runnin?

Choitz said:

So what's yer thoughts on the matter, Mr. Dawn? Do you approve the idea, givin Dark Decks their one solid chance at World Runnin?

I'd I said, according to the wording on the card, I'd say it works that way.


Dark Decks just keep on lookin better 'n better, certainly! Woo!

Now, to build a Dark Deck that World Runs effectively. 'N boy, do I have some ideas! YAR!!

Choitz said:

To work on it, though, you must ALWAYS build it to work around Monstro lvl 1. Always. There is no exception to this rule. Otherwise, a Dark Deck will fall apart. Monstro is the Dark Deck's bane. It's biggest weakness. But when built around it, Monstro is it's greatest asset!

I'll leave it to you to figure out what I mean by this. In the mean time, keep thinkin outside the box, certainly. Not a bad idea at all.

This is something I knew since set 3. There's nothing more to figure out.

That said, I totally agree.

this seems to be one of those things we will all agree with, i love the dark deck its great now with barbosa, but i have that bad feeling if we brought it to, lets say, jaffer he'd shoot it down like drawing cards with pegasus or wishing lamp. But i will play it like this till jaffer does say something!

what about white mushroom woud he work like a peter pan. i cant remember the text on the card.

Nah, White Mushroom states that if this card is on a world card, then ignore the card text of the world, with the exception of it's dark limit.

Naught quite a Peter Pan, but it does help against a Monstro for a turn or two, dependin.

ok well its just a thought i was running a deep jungle deck pre bod to kill soul eater aggro