
By Roxas2, in Odds & Ends

Does any one know where we go to find out who won and what they won?

Prolly tomorrow... Maybe they didn't even do a raffle this month because the old sites are still running after all...

Maybe, I kinda want to see what they deal for prizes in the Kingdom Hearts category

Play Mats?

I don't think it would be boxes, probly like a couple packs, or maybe....the Sora lvl 2 promo...

Well, there are different levels so a box for, say, a level 3 or 4 prolly wouldn't be out of the question.

Yeah, but I think they may do something else.

Like they may offer custom avatars, pics in signatures, more points to upgrade for the next raffle, or maybe discounts on anything they have... though I would very much like free stuff...

Oh yeah, I forgot the levels, but nobody on this section is over 1000 yet I'm pretty sure.

Lol, I just noticed that the top posters are KHTCG players with Roxas being listed twice...

I try and learn about as many games a possible to figure out if I may be interested. So far it's just Penguins and KH TCG.

But I would like to win a box becaue usually i can not afford them.

I would like to win a box, because usually, they contain at least one SRU...and me needs them. Plus, it is for free I would assume...

I'd be surprised that boxes would be given away even at level 3 or 4. After all the main reason for business is to make money, not give away their product! Promo cards however, I could see. and considering there are some hard to get promos availiable right now, having a choice of them would be nice.

Wouldn't it encourage people to be more active and they will be buying the product so it would boost people's activitiness

there's the alternative though - post enough times, and get a bunch of free product, means you'll never have to buy anything if you just want free swag. Granted, the best stuff probably won't be in the raffle (like a Descent into Darkness game) but still...

I've looked, but can't seem to find it. Where's the list of the top posters?

in the status in community, and before you look I have spots one and two because of team threads, trade threads and a curosity of other games. Plus I found other games for my friend and girlfriend's brother.

Wait what raffle? They started doing the raffle already?

I don't think so, December is here, and they didn't do one for November it seems...oh well...I guess there giving more people a chance to work up there points.

YAAAYYYYY!!!! I just checked my email, and it figures I won the raffle!!! I'll post my prizes.

I'm in shock...I never win anything...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I would have never thought they would email you...I feel a strange happiness, because someone 30 minutes away wins...yay...

Please tell us what you win...I'm so envious...thats kind of funny though, because you completed the collection for now, right? Except for the Sora lvl 2 promo foil...imagine if they give you more cards....lolz....

TheChampIsHere said:

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I would have never thought they would email you...I feel a strange happiness, because someone 30 minutes away wins...yay...

Please tell us what you win...I'm so envious...thats kind of funny though, because you completed the collection for now, right? Except for the Sora lvl 2 promo foil...imagine if they give you more cards....lolz....

lol, they prolly send like a sample pack of their games or something... Though I would love to get a foil Sora promo... I'd be happy if that is the only thing I get.

If you get any extra Kings or SRUs, you got a friend in need 30 minutes away...I'll drive to your house to pick them up so you don't have to ship them!!!!!...JK...

TheChampIsHere said:

If you get any extra Kings or SRUs, you got a friend in need 30 minutes away...I'll drive to your house to pick them up so you don't have to ship them!!!!!...JK...

lol, I highly doubt they'd single out KHTCG and give me just that.

If they look at your collection, Kingdom Hearts is the only thing you have, thus meaning, that it is the only thing you want....so they might....just make sure to tell us what you get...