Spraying Miniatures?

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I am thinking about spray-painting my miniatures for Descent.

Do I need to prime them?

What type of paint would work best?

If I sprayed them with white primer, this would help get brighter colors right?

After priming them with white, could I then use a small brush and black primer on the details/crevices to bring out shadows/details when I spray the entire model with my chosen color?

If you have done this before do you have an photos? (specifically of priming all white, then brushing black primer to try to bring out some shadows details)

That looks pretty great! I'd love to do some painting, and I'd almost certainly have to resort to the dip method. My hands are not very steady. :(

I've seen the armypainter stuff, and apparently this minwax tudor is the same thing. I'd need to buy a ton of stuff, I have no paint, no brushes, nothing.

Always prime first or prepare to build up multiple layers of paint, some of which will never stick correctly. There are brushed on primers for minis too. I don't know why you would want to spray paint a mini, but don't expected amazing results. The solid color, darker wash method is great for starting out.

pinkymadigan said:

Always prime first or prepare to build up multiple layers of paint, some of which will never stick correctly. There are brushed on primers for minis too. I don't know why you would want to spray paint a mini, but don't expected amazing results. The solid color, darker wash method is great for starting out.

I've decided not to spray-paint them.

I'm going to prime them, block paint them with Citidel paints, and then use the Minwax Tudor "Dip" method to finish them. That blog post I linked above made me realize I could do this very easily.

its easier to do the sprayt paint trust me ive painted every single plastic from descent, wash them with warm water and dish soap first( they have an oil on them), and if they are bent in a wierd way put them in hot water move them around to what you want them to be then right to the freezer or ice water to harden them.... and Citadel paints are the way to go, multi layer them then hit em with a clear coat to seal an protect them from being to beat up...the dip works but gives them a wierd look, but to each is own...

What's with all this spray-paint talk? You are not actually spray-painting the minis main colors are you? If you are talking about spraying primer, that's quite a bit different than spray-painting. If you are talking about some new painting technique that involves actual spray paint, please elaborate as I am unaware or it and am curious as to how one would achieve anything close to acceptable results...

If you want to paint the minis in bright colors use white primer. I suggest GW primer for any mini paint job but that is my opinion only. Now for shadows etc. I would not use the black primer because it is not an acrylic paint. Use a black wash or magic inks which will give you the effect you are seeking.

if you have any other questions feel free to ask.


I side with this person