dut's non-ufs card flipping recollections from Gencon 2009 (Worlds)

By dutpotd, in UFS General Discussion

Yay for social competence :D

Though on a side note, I thought there was a pretty decent number of hot gamer chicks just in general at GenCon. But I also find the idea of Shinji having rabid constant sex a little funny, its like the idea of Link getting laid, they're to young, wait till puberty D:

You have now been Tom Trolled, enjoy the rest of your pathetic lives.

Halbard100 said:

Yay for social competence :D

Though on a side note, I thought there was a pretty decent number of hot gamer chicks just in general at GenCon. But I also find the idea of Shinji having rabid constant sex a little funny, its like the idea of Link getting laid, they're to young, wait till puberty D:

You have now been Tom Trolled, enjoy the rest of your pathetic lives.

!!!! Dude!!! WTF!!!?!?! <_< I only look young. I mean i am 21 lol. Asswipe :P

Side note.

Dut Great seeing u again and good job representing Canada in top cuts, Glad u got ur bag back, hope to see u again soon

??? How did my shout out thread turn into Shinji detailing his sex life (or lack therof). You know, becuase Shinji takes pride in his internet persona's ability to lie and mislead the masses, that everyone reading Shinji's blatant derail is now 100% certain of his virginity.

Sigh. There were lots of ladies at Gencon, I'm agreeing with whoever said so above. Anyways, end of discussion!

- dut

aslum said:

MarcoPulleaux said:

You have any idea how many times I've had sex since I got back? Jesus

I've heard that Jesus was big, but never that he was a big number.

Also. This.

dutpotd said:

??? How did my shout out thread turn into Shinji detailing his sex life (or lack therof). You know, becuase Shinji takes pride in his internet persona's ability to lie and mislead the masses, that everyone reading Shinji's blatant derail is now 100% certain of his virginity.

Sigh. There were lots of ladies at Gencon, I'm agreeing with whoever said so above. Anyways, end of discussion!

- dut

Perhaps he meant the number of girls playing UFS? I doubt he'd get laid by any of them...

If I can do a quick count there was.. Me, Ivy, Jane (Mai), Sara (I believe), April, Dani and another girl who wasn't playing. So there were a few there.

Also I vote next year we get a Lilith.... :D

KawaiiMistress said:

Also I vote next year we get a Lilith.... :D

I agree with this, I ran Lilith in 08 worlds, i.e. she was my first character card in a competitive tournament.

I guess talk about getting more girls into the game is a valid derail... I'm going to work on that too, I have some gameplaying female aquaintances (recent) that would probably enjoy it and that I am going to convince to come out to play sometime soon.

- dut

Definitely something we should all work on for next worlds: Get more single women into playing UFS, followed by everyone else :P Theres some girls that resently were gotten into Magic so I'm hoping to force UFS on them :D the only downside is that UFS Demos can be confusing =/

I'd like to applaud the sportswomanship of our female players though, my buddies were playing WarMachine, a table top minis game, and one of them remembered one opponent he only could refer to ass "Boobs" as he put it "Because she used her boobs to play" ... A little bit of an unfair advantage our girls don't even need lol. Worst thing we have to contend with is cosplay :P y'all rock.

Also, Link, you know we love ya man, despite grabbing you by your hands and feet in the middle of the cross walk before the light changed :D

Archimedes said:

Yes because we all go to Gen Con with the express intentions of getting laid.

Hey guys, I'm Shinji, and I have sex! omgwtfbbq.

I'm way too tired to troll you properly so you'll have to settle for me pointing out the inherent ridiculousness of you bragging about how many times you've gotten laid to an internet forum filled with people who are actually pretty socially competent.

Dude, EVERYWHERE I go is a place to scout for tail, especially cons, where the pickin's easy.

I wasn't bragging, no need for that. I was very condescendlingly showing disappointment at the con for it's lack of opposite gender. I'm so used to anime cons, you'll have to forgive me for having high expectations when it comes to mass populations of females.

Don't worry Arch, maybe one day I'll take you down to Tijuana, and then you'll never troll again. I'd insert a devious laughter, but I is tired =/

Also, Dut

*middle finger* You ought to come clubbing with me. I'm sure it'd be quite an education.

EDIT: Hmm...well, this thread has come to a point where even I am kind of disappointed. I promise you legions of sexual hilarity from my tome of stories. Instead of playing Werewolf, we're gonna play OMFG Srsly?

But until next giant UFS meeting (which is...Can Nats?), I'll take my leave hurr. Nice meetin youz guys. Next time we need to not go to the Ram, but to a liquor store, that way we can pass out on spot =)

MarcoPulleaux said:

EDIT: Hmm...well, this thread has come to a point where even I am kind of disappointed. I promise you legions of sexual hilarity from my tome of stories. Instead of playing Werewolf, we're gonna play OMFG Srsly?

But until next giant UFS meeting (which is...Can Nats?), I'll take my leave hurr. Nice meetin youz guys. Next time we need to not go to the Ram, but to a liquor store, that way we can pass out on spot =)

I'm pretty sure I nailed two things that you will never ever nail.


I've nailed a painting. To a wall, no less.

But you probably win this battle =/ </3

Halbard100 said:

Definitely something we should all work on for next worlds: Get more single women into playing UFS, followed by everyone else :P Theres some girls that resently were gotten into Magic so I'm hoping to force UFS on them :D the only downside is that UFS Demos can be confusing =/

I'd like to applaud the sportswomanship of our female players though, my buddies were playing WarMachine, a table top minis game, and one of them remembered one opponent he only could refer to ass "Boobs" as he put it "Because she used her boobs to play" ... A little bit of an unfair advantage our girls don't even need lol. Worst thing we have to contend with is cosplay :P y'all rock.

Everyone got bashed with my gigantic wings way too many times...to a point where I just told them, "get hit by those wings, you'll check 6's.."

I don't think UFS was THAT confusing, I think I picked it up relatively quickly. Its also really easy to get someone to play UFS if they already have a love for certain fighting game characters. Voldo got me into the game and the fun of the game made me stay with it. (Someone make a new Voldo already, **** it)

I don't think anyone underestimated me when I played at worlds... I was both flattered and disappointed about that. I also wonder how she used her boobs to play... maybe it works with minatures better than card games, I can't see myself trying to pass checks with boobs...maybe dice roll would work..hmm...

MarcoPulleaux said:


I've nailed a painting. To a wall, no less.

But you probably win this battle =/ </3

I did too. Just half an hour ago. Well, a print , not a painting. And I hung it on the nail, I didn't actually put the nail through the frame, just the wall, and then I hung the frame on the nail.

How specific were we supposed to be?

KawaiiMistress said:

(Someone make a new Voldo already, **** it)

I don't think anyone underestimated me when I played at worlds... I was both flattered and disappointed about that. I also wonder how she used her boobs to play... maybe it works with minatures better than card games, I can't see myself trying to pass checks with boobs...maybe dice roll would work..hmm...

I'll second the Voldo comment, he's definitely my favorite SC character (slightly higher then 'rugi).

As far as using boobs... it's more a distraction/mind games thing then anything else. Miniatures games provide more opportunities to lean over the table... Though I suppose you could lean over to "look at their cards" a lot in UFS.

I guess I'll always have boob advantage as a last resort in case my deck fails me utterly. Lean over and say.. "You don't want to block that darkness blade.." Suppose I would probably need to be more well endowed for that to work.

KawaiiMistress said:

I guess I'll always have boob advantage as a last resort in case my deck fails me utterly. Lean over and say.. "You don't want to block that darkness blade.." Suppose I would probably need to be more well endowed for that to work.

Really? Self-conscious? =/

Also, at what point did Obi-Wan use his breasts as part of Jedi mind tricks? I'm not too sure it works that way...

Oh Shinji.. either you lost my joking tone in the message or I lost your joking tone in yours.

KawaiiMistress said:

Oh Shinji.. either you lost my joking tone in the message or I lost your joking tone in yours.

I'd say something about man-boobs here but I won't.

- dut

ps. nice print aslum!

Lin I think a pouty morrigan pose would do the trick just the same ;)

dutpotd said:

KawaiiMistress said:

Oh Shinji.. either you lost my joking tone in the message or I lost your joking tone in yours.

I'd say something about man-boobs here but I won't.

- dut

ps. nice print aslum!

Was actually pretty cheap. If you have a Michael's in your area, if you register on line you can get a coupon for %50 off one item. A 20"x16" frame is $7 and the matting is $5. Depending on how much whitespace there is on your print, you might be able to frame it without having to cut the matting at all. They'll charge you an arm and a leg to do it professionally, but if you're a cheapskate like me, you can use a metal ruler, and a hobby knife (razor blade) to cut the matting to the right size. Of course you'll want to be careful, and chances are it won't look as good as if they had done it. Now I really wish I had more of the prints.