Rules question regarding power dice timing...

By Kalidor, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I am sorry if this has been answered elsewhere; I couldn't find anything on it...

As an example:

Let's say I roll my attack, with 3 power dice. The outcome is unacceptable to the OL, because of power surges, he is trying to avoid a special effect. he forces a re-roll, with a card. Upon re-rolling, I don't get enough surges for the effect, so he is quite satisfied.

Can I then add another power die or two with fatigue? And if I get the surge needed for said effect, use it?

Thanks in advance for any help.

This is one of those cases where the rules are slightly ambiguous.

I believe that the general consensus is that once the dice have been re-rolled, no further dice can be added via fatigue. You can add extra dice before the re-roll card is played, but not after.

In my group, we allow the addition of dice after all rolls have been finalized. Truth is, the OL is already pretty brutal, and a little edge to the party ceratinly helps

Coldstone (creamery?) lengua.gif that's how we played it...using some of the same logic you did. We also play area to area being revealed as we enter it (no full map set-up at game's start) so another slight advantage to the OL exists there for us.

I figure the little stuff like this helps even that out a tad. gui%C3%B1o.gif

We try to play it like real have to decide how hard you are going to swing before you actually swing, spending the fatigue right then, once it is rolled, it is rolled.....i know i know, but then how can some one make you swing again (reroll), i dont know, just pretend our ideas is awesome and move on.

Power dice can only be added during the Step 5 of an attack. Once player wishes to add no more fatigue to an attack his dice are set. When Step 5 ends the OL may then resolve his dodge forcing a reroll of ANY dice used. Since Step 5 concluded no more dice may be added.

- End of line.

Well, since this was originally posted a FAQ ruling has come out about this. It reads:

Q: Is the effect of the overlord’s “Dodge” card that the hero’s attack completely misses, or that the overlord can force the hero to re-roll dice rolled for the attack, as with the hero dodge orders?
A: The “Dodge” card allows the overlord to force re-rolls. It does not allow more dice to be added after the re-roll. Once the dice are rolled, any fatigue may be spent to add power dice. Once all dice are done being rolled, the Overlord may play the dodge card. Once the card is played, no more dice may be added.