Dungeons in Road to Legend and Sea of Blood?

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I was wondering how the quests for Road to Legend and Sea of Blood are mapped out?

Are they Static in a book? Or are they random using cards? (I can't tell by what I have read so far as the .pdf for the rules ends at page 34.)

I ask because I hear that Road to Legend has something like 160 possible dungeon layouts because of multiple floors. So please explain how this works by contrasting it with the 10 static quests of Journeys in the Dark.

RtL has a stack of dungeon cards. Tomb of Ice comes with a couple as well, making the total 45 I think. The cards just have descriptions of the dungeon and its boss, special rules, etc. They also have a number.

In the manual, there is a dungeon guide showing the layout of the dungeon based on the number. You also get 3 or 4 lists of possible spawns based on what expansion you want to pull from.

The dungeons themselves are made up of usually 3 different cards, each one drawn when the heroes "finish" a level. It makes things pretty interesting. The dungeons themselves are quite small, thus helping to keep things moving. Despite their small size, they can still take quite a long time depending on the players.

Veinman said:

RtL has a stack of dungeon cards. Tomb of Ice comes with a couple as well, making the total 45 I think. The cards just have descriptions of the dungeon and its boss, special rules, etc. They also have a number.

In the manual, there is a dungeon guide showing the layout of the dungeon based on the number. You also get 3 or 4 lists of possible spawns based on what expansion you want to pull from.

The dungeons themselves are made up of usually 3 different cards, each one drawn when the heroes "finish" a level. It makes things pretty interesting. The dungeons themselves are quite small, thus helping to keep things moving. Despite their small size, they can still take quite a long time depending on the players.

Sounds pretty cool. In a way, it reminds me more of Warhammer Quest as the dungeons are not static but somewhat random. Not as random as the the dungeon-deck of Warhammer Quest, but still more random than the quests of Journey in the Dark!