card Lightning Runes - correct or not?

By Morthe, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

"Lightning Runes" is purple treachery card from Well of Darkness. There is text:

"...Any figures underneath the bolt template suffer 4 wounds (ignoring armor) and gain 1 daze token. Each affected figure may roll 2 power dice and reduce the effect by 1 wound for each surge rolled."

And my question: Is this text correct, or is there some mistake? On all others cards can heroes reduce the wounds to 0, but here they allways suffer minimally 2 wounds. What is your opinion?

I take that to be correct. It was never errata'd to my knowledge, and it surely would have been by now. It's a treachery card so you can expect it to be more powerful.

Veinman said:

I take that to be correct. It was never errata'd to my knowledge, and it surely would have been by now. It's a treachery card so you can expect it to be more powerful.

without checking the card, +1

Corbon said:

Veinman said:

I take that to be correct. It was never errata'd to my knowledge, and it surely would have been by now. It's a treachery card so you can expect it to be more powerful.

without checking the card, +1

Yup... the heroes can't avoid EVERYTHING the OL has in the aresnal gran_risa.gif