Ban "Tablet of Gilgamesh" immediately.

By Ketchup Ninja, in UFS General Discussion

So I was at GenCon and found out a clearly degenerate combo that can break the game.

Kazuya form, play Tablet of Gilgamesh. That's a whole two life that your opponent has to deal with and cannot negate for any reason. It's unreasonable how FFG would ban any answer to this card, and then give it out immediately afterward. Paired up with 'Seeking Treasure' and this combo just gets out of control.

Post your thoughts on why FFG would make such a bad combo.

Ketchup Ninja said:

So I was at GenCon and found out a clearly degenerate combo that can break the game.

Kazuya form, play Tablet of Gilgamesh. That's a whole two life that your opponent has to deal with and cannot negate for any reason. It's unreasonable how FFG would ban any answer to this card, and then give it out immediately afterward. Paired up with 'Seeking Treasure' and this combo just gets out of control.

Post your thoughts on why FFG would make such a bad combo.


I honestly don't know if you're kidding or not.

*chuckle* Good one.

Ryken said:

Ketchup Ninja said:

So I was at GenCon and found out a clearly degenerate combo that can break the game.

Kazuya form, play Tablet of Gilgamesh. That's a whole two life that your opponent has to deal with and cannot negate for any reason. It's unreasonable how FFG would ban any answer to this card, and then give it out immediately afterward. Paired up with 'Seeking Treasure' and this combo just gets out of control.

Post your thoughts on why FFG would make such a bad combo.


I honestly don't know if you're kidding or not.

LAWLZ. This is genuinely funny.

Seriously, though, the Tablet burns YOU for 2 life too, and it gets removed from the game when Kaz goes boom, which can only happen 3 times anyway, so you burned both players for what, 8 vitality? OMFG DEGENERATE COMBOZZZZ!!!! Come on, now.

dont get me wrong.... this card is pretty good in the new format espcially with Tower of Souls to search it out, but broken? not even close

LordAggro said:

LAWLZ. This is genuinely funny.

Seriously, though, the Tablet burns YOU for 2 life too, and it gets removed from the game when Kaz goes boom, which can only happen 3 times anyway, so you burned both players for what, 8 vitality? OMFG DEGENERATE COMBOZZZZ!!!! Come on, now.


if the OP was named " Canadian Ketchup Ninja" i would have to take this post more seriously - no fructose in there, all real sugar gran_risa.gif

NintendoMan said:

dont get me wrong.... this card is pretty good in the new format espcially with Tower of Souls to search it out, but broken? not even close

NintendoMan said:

dont get me wrong.... this card is pretty good in the new format espcially with Tower of Souls to search it out, but broken? not even close

Homme Chapeau, you're completely right. This is just another reason why this card breaks the game.

Well, Ketchup Ninja , you made me laugh so hard I had to stop posting for a whole minute, so I guess you accomplished something today.

Tablet of Gilgamesh being broken... what's next? Is a deck packing a playset of Ruthless gonna p0wn us all? LAWLZ... hilarious.

Listen LordAggro, you don't help matters on this. If you don't like my opinion, well you can just...


Ahh, what the hell. I've got nothing else to do; I'll bite. Enlighten me on why the Tablet is gonna clean house, go ahead. I'm reading (seriously, I am).

@NintendoMan: I'm afraid you can't even do that; Tower of Souls only grabs terrains. So Ketchup Ninja is gonna have to pull off something genuinely spectacular to convince me this card threatens the state of the meta.

Zhao Dai Yu burns WAY better. I also am not sure why this is a broken combo...

I'm curious as to how Mini-Wheats is such a broken card >_> maybe it's my sleep deprivation but it seems perfectly fine to me.

To be honest, I think Eiserne Drossel is more threatening overall. And Zhao Daiyu ** beats the living daylights out of all the chains I could come up with off the top of my head for this card. So if you're not just a random troll, Ketchup Ninja , I think you owe us all an explanation on how this is gonna rock our world.

Successful troll is successful. lulz

Keep this spam bullcrap out please, god

Hey, look at it this way; if a troll is successful, this at least means the folks in these forums actually look at what people suggest and try it before we say "Explain, 'cause I don't see it", which can go a long way in cleaning up the (admittedly rather bad) rap we've gotten lately.

Well LordAggro, I wouldn't want to tell everyone about how the perfect build for this deck would be. Seems like giving it to you would be a waste.

I'd rather you figure it out for yourself, and when you're getting eaten alive by it in your local meta by the NEW PLAYERS, you'll see for yourself.

Mini Wheats is a good card and all, but I don't see how this is broken.

I could see it being good for a deck built around it, I have to agree.

I considered putting it in my Zhao Dai Yu deck just for some additional burn... I really really cannot see it. When I do get eaten alive by it, I'll agree with you. No matter how I see it, its still very minor burn.

Ketchup Ninja said:

Well LordAggro, I wouldn't want to tell everyone about how the perfect build for this deck would be. Seems like giving it to you would be a waste.

I'd rather you figure it out for yourself, and when you're getting eaten alive by it in your local meta by the NEW PLAYERS, you'll see for yourself.

Arrogance isn't gonna help your cause; I threw down the gauntlet, and YOU have to prove to ME that there are combos for it, because I can tell you that I gave 2HD another skim and I don't see much of anything there. Maybe something in Legacy?

You can...Mystic back the card?!

Honestly, I am very curious. I'm very much into casual fun legacy decks and this could be one of them.

...wait, so he WAS serious?

I know it's a dumb card in legacy with Reanimated, but in b4...? I got nothing...