I bought this game at Gen Con...

By danjen3141, in Middle-earth Quest

...but in hindsight, wish that I would have picked up Chaos in the Old World. Nothing wrong with this game, just personal preferences. I'm looking to trade with anyone that bought Chaos in the Old World at Gen Con. I have only opened the box to peek inside, everything else is in unplayed condition. I'm losing a few dollars on the deal, but I don't mind.

P.S.--new to boards, hi all!


I picked up both games, and I found both to be equally enjoyable. I played both of them in offically run FFG events (even played against the Designer with Chaos in the Old World), and I don't think you could have gone wrong with MEQ. Choas will be out soon enough anyway, and then you will have TWO excellent 4 player games.

Now, I would have buyer's remorse if I had picked up Ad Astra. Although it was a fun game...I don't think it was $60 fun...