Anyone buy at Gen Con?

By danjen3141, in Chaos in the Old World

Hi all, new to boards.

I was just wondering if anyone purchased this game at Gen Con. I bought Middle Earth Quest, but in hindsight, wish I would have instead picked up this game. Nothing wrong with MEQ, just personal preferences.

To anyone that bought CitOW but would rather have MEQ, I will offer you a trade. I have only peeked inside the box, everything else is unplayed. I'm losing a few bucks in the deal, but don't mind.

Welcome to the boards. I purchased CitOW at GenCon but wouldn't trade it for MEQ. I thought long and hard about spending the extra $20 to go ahead ang get MEQ instead but this game will get to the table way more often and is a lot easier to explain and play. Personally, I'd rather wait for a 2nd edition of MEQ before considering to get it.

This was the only game that I was seriusly considering getting at GenCon; pretty much at the whole con even. Having had the chance to play with friends, this is definitely a fun game. There is enough variety to make each game fairly unique and fun.

Mind you, I haven't played Middle-Earth Quest, so I can't really compare.

I picked it up at Gen Con and am loving it. I didn't get a chance to demo Middle Earth Quest, so I haven't picked it up yet.