I hope they maintain two forums... 2E & 3E

By Emirikol, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I'd like to propose that FFG maintain two forums for WFRP. One for 2E and one for 3E. Eventually the people who are not going to 3E (or those who do BOTH), will move back to the 2E forums and continue constructive posting there. For the sake of all of our online friendships, it would be smart to keep them seperate.



I don't understand why they wouldn't maintain them as seperate forums.

As potentially innovative and great 3E might be, it IS different than 2E, which already has so much material and so many products.

I can't see why they would completely eliminate 2E from the site.

My thoughts exactly.

2e will need continued fan support.

3E is what it is and the forums will hopefully start to reflect that soon. No amount of gognarding it will change things now. It's painful watching some of us go through this "grieving" process for 2e on the 3e boards. Better to put fan efforts into 2e, rather than "lobby to hate 3e" before it's release.

I think there' s going to be a continued, healthy 2E community for a long time to come and I'm thankful for that. Grognards and 3e Fanboys..love you both. I hope you put your energies into PRODUCTION to support your fellow edition fans.


Of course they are going to maintain both forums. 2nd edition was a great game and it should have it's place here even if they don't make another book for it.

Hey, they even have a rogue trader collector's forum, so I'm not really woried about the 2nd edition one :)

Actually the pattern for FFG once they stop printing out a game is to slowly have it die, and then delete the forums, at least in the past.

This is why you see no Midnight RPG forum, No Marvel Heroes forum...

And even may not create forums for older games of theirs when they change over to a new forum format,

For example you don't see a forum for the Twilight Imperium RPG, or the Thunder's Edge game, or Twilight Imperium v1 or v2 (though theoretically I suppose you could post in the TI forums as I don't believe it's specific in edition). Of course I don't think they've ever made a game this controversial before in regards to fans, so who knows.

However, if they follow precedent however, the 2e forums will probably disappear sometime in the future.

Well, if they close the 2E forums, what Fansite has the best place to migrate them to?

I'd recommend Strike to Stun: forum.strike-to-stun.net/

So, what's next on the to-do list ;)


Nice one Emirikol, because if the 2nd ed is dicontinued this is a good option. Otherwise I also recommend keeping 2 forums...