Shock about the new game

By Inquisitor Liss, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Cheers for those!

The last figures I saw were for 2007-2008, so yea, they might have changed in that time. Never knew that site existed, to be fair lengua.gif

Shame it doesn't have any hard numbers on it though (at least, none that I could see). Have any idea where they might be?

But it seems that DH is kicking some serious ass. I bet that WFRP v2 also did when it was first published.

Can someone provide some hard data on that (Cat rubs his magic lamp and makes a wish)

Emirikol said:

I was shocked that nobody was running even a single game of WFRP2 at GenCon.

There's supposedly all these fans, yet nobody runs games at giant conventions?

I ran 3 sessions of WFRP at Gencon '07 when BI was supporting con play with scenarios, swag etc. The last 2 years I haven't bothered, because writing a good con scenario takes time, and I do enough writing already. When you're already spending $1200+ for the weekend, you have to be a WFRP Crusader to write a scenario and then spend most of Gencon running games for tired and distracted strangers in a loud, crowded room. All for no return except maybe the satisfaction of converting someone to the cult of WFRP (which I could just as easily do without getting on a plane).

One comment about the popularity of v2 in the states, it never got advertised for crap around here. I'd never even heard of warhammer till the core book from v2 caught my eye one day while I was browsing in a book store. I took one look at the dwarf with an orange mohawk, snorted, and moved on with life.

It took several times coming back to pick up the book and page through it, I didn't actually buy it till nearly a year later. I think a good part of the reason it wasn't that popular in the states is that casual gamers like me had never heard of it. Most of my Wod and DnD buddies liked WFRP a lot once they were introduced to it.