Some real Vanilla Questions!

By SoyGreen, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

To help clarify - We played the first quest for the base game - but we have the expansions - so all the treachery and feats... etc.

We ran into a couple of problems. :) As one might expect. when adding all the stuff from the expansions to the base game.

1. Reach vs. Ghost. So ghost is immune to melee attacks from adjacent spaces - so the question is for reach - it is a melee attack - but it isn't technically adjacent. SO - does a melee attack with reach hit a figure with Ghost?

2. Precision - "You may ignore 1 figure or obstacle when tracing line of sight for a Ranged or Magic attack." - in the first quest for the base game - in area 3 there is a pillar that has fallen over - so it makes 3 spaces of rubble. CAN a player with precision shoot through all three spaces? So:

charater -----> [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ---> monster

Does precision make it through all that rubble - the piece used is technically one piece.

3. Leap vs. Guard. So the Blood Gorilla can leap - does a player with Guard active get to interrupt the leap attack (mid-flight technically) and attack before the leap would hit?

4. Furr the Spirit Wolf. Does he have a ranged attack? He technically uses the white die - and that has a modifier for range... So can Furr technically hit up to 3 spaces if you hit with the right side of the white die - all the definition says is: "Furr can attack once per turn (before, after, or during his movement), rolling 1 white die, and his attack ignores armor."

5. Furr the Spirit Wolf and Beastman Fetish. Beastman Fetish allows the player with the card to re-roll one die - can the player use Beastman Fetish to allow Furr - his familiar - a re-roll?

6. Manticore - really? Big ass wings!! No fly ability???

Ok - so maybe they aren't REAL vanilla questions... being that is stull up for debate lol... (what qualifies as vanilla - but it is still base game questions essentially - no campaign.) :)

SoylentGreen said:

To help clarify - We played the first quest for the base game - but we have the expansions - so all the treachery and feats... etc.

We ran into a couple of problems. :) As one might expect. when adding all the stuff from the expansions to the base game.

1. Reach vs. Ghost. So ghost is immune to melee attacks from adjacent spaces - so the question is for reach - it is a melee attack - but it isn't technically adjacent. SO - does a melee attack with reach hit a figure with Ghost?

2. Precision - "You may ignore 1 figure or obstacle when tracing line of sight for a Ranged or Magic attack." - in the first quest for the base game - in area 3 there is a pillar that has fallen over - so it makes 3 spaces of rubble. CAN a player with precision shoot through all three spaces? So:

charater -----> [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ---> monster

Does precision make it through all that rubble - the piece used is technically one piece.

3. Leap vs. Guard. So the Blood Gorilla can leap - does a player with Guard active get to interrupt the leap attack (mid-flight technically) and attack before the leap would hit?

4. Furr the Spirit Wolf. Does he have a ranged attack? He technically uses the white die - and that has a modifier for range... So can Furr technically hit up to 3 spaces if you hit with the right side of the white die - all the definition says is: "Furr can attack once per turn (before, after, or during his movement), rolling 1 white die, and his attack ignores armor."

5. Furr the Spirit Wolf and Beastman Fetish. Beastman Fetish allows the player with the card to re-roll one die - can the player use Beastman Fetish to allow Furr - his familiar - a re-roll?

6. Manticore - really? Big ass wings!! No fly ability???

1. Reach: as per the ghost rules in the TOI rulebook, reach can hit a ghost as long as the two models are not adjacent.

2. I believe it was FAQ'ed and the answer is yes, you can shoot through the rubble piece even thought it is 3 spaces.

3. Don't remember, look in the FAQ. There's a bunch of stuff on leap.

4. I'm pretty sure that Furr's attack is melee (It may be in the FAQ). He also needs to be in 5 spaces and LOS of his master to attack from the FAQ (though this could be RTL only)

5. I'd say so as I believe the Beastman Fetish says the player can re-roll one dice during his turn.

6. Same with the dragon and demon.

5. So the re-roll wouldn't jsut be limited to the player - but his familiar as well then?

6. Oh yeah - didn't think of those lol...

Thanks for the reply - I will check the FAQ.

Guard vs. Leap has been changed a couple times. The most recent (and, IMO, best) ruling is that you can only interrupt before or after the leap, not during (just like any other attack).

The wings thing is because they are 'big -ass'. Too big for the tight confines of a dungeon that is. Outdoors (RtL) however, these babies can SOAR.

Antistone said:

Guard vs. Leap has been changed a couple times. The most recent (and, IMO, best) ruling is that you can only interrupt before or after the leap, not during (just like any other attack).

So if - not during - does that mean if I make the leap - the attacks hit and they cannot guard from it?

SoylentGreen said:

Antistone said:

Guard vs. Leap has been changed a couple times. The most recent (and, IMO, best) ruling is that you can only interrupt before or after the leap, not during (just like any other attack).

So if - not during - does that mean if I make the leap - the attacks hit and they cannot guard from it?

The heroes could interrupt when you declare the leap - before it happens, but they must make their attack against the monster in it's position before the leap is made. And the OL may then (after the Guard has happened) change his mind about declaring the leap if he wanted too.
Eg, Ape 4 spaces away from Guarding hero with Crossbow. Ape declares Leap. Hero interrupts with Guard (rather than losing it) but must attack at range 5. Hero misses (crossbow is not long ranged). Ape decides not to Leap and instead moves to attack a different hero (or even the same hero).

Once the Leap has been declared, and begins (ie, no interrupt before the Leap starts to move), it is a Leap Attack and cannot be interrupted until complete (just as you can't interrupt a Beastman during his attack, after he has rolled the dice).

Previous rulings allowed (or at least, didn't clearly disallow) a Leap to be interrupted mid-move. So a melee hero would try to splat the Leaping figure as it entered the space adjacent to him (albeit overhead). Now that a Leap Attack has been clarified as an attack (and therefore uninterruptable once it begins) right from the begginning of teh Leap movement, it is clear (and further, made explicit) that you can't do this.

SoylentGreen said:

5. So the re-roll wouldn't jsut be limited to the player - but his familiar as well then?

Player is different than hero, but check the wording of the beastman fetish card to make sure it does say player and not hero