Power Potions

By Shakkar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


in every second topic I read how useful power potions are, but they only let you roll 5 power dice. This means two more for a trait 3 hero. They become even more useless if a hero has a trait of 4. And have no effect if you have trait 5.

Or do I miss a rule here?

Powerpoitions are only good in RtL Games.

There you get 5 additional Dice upgrades regardless haow much traits you have.

In Basic Descent they are not this much usefull.

Thanks a thousand times. Slowly I get the new RtL rules. Our second session is starting in a couple of hours.

I had been wondering the same thing, that makes a lot more sense with that expansion...man, with that many dice the Overlord had better have some killer powers and some sweet monster hiding up his.....sleeve.

Max Dice are 5 as before, but you may upgrade Dice with the Powerpotion like if you have spend Fatique.

Look at the Upgrades of the Power Potion like it were 5 additional Fatique you may only spend to upgrade Dice.

Only a hand full of heroes are 3 black die attackers in Descent anyway, usually splitting them between 2 different attack types (or with Red Scorpion all 3). This also allows a character to make a "desperation attack" using a powerful weapon they picked up, have no black dice for, but cannot give to another player right away. All told it allows a character to save their fatigue to either move into position, power attack the next baddie, or activate abilities that cost fatigue. So even the earlier Descent it has lots of uses.

Power potions are not that useful in RtL either. Most parties get secret training ASAP and choose +2 fatigue option. Consequently, all characters have 5+ fatigue. You can drink only 1 potion per turn. It is better to drink a vitality potion: you can use fatigue to upgrade your dice and if your fatigue is over 5 you get more upgrades this way. Plus you do not have to spend fatigue on miss result and you can spend only as much fatigue as necessary.

Hawknight said:

I had been wondering the same thing, that makes a lot more sense with that expansion...man, with that many dice the Overlord had better have some killer powers and some sweet monster hiding up his.....sleeve.

Nope. He really wants to win before the final fight starts.

Hawknight said:

I had been wondering the same thing, that makes a lot more sense with that expansion...man, with that many dice the Overlord had better have some killer powers and some sweet monster hiding up his.....sleeve.

Power Potions are definitely the shizz in RtL and the heroes in our games love them to bits. However, I as the OL have found that I only really need one trick hidden up my sleeve to deflate their efforts - the ever dreaded "Dodge." ;)