Favourite/Best Overlord Avatars?

By The Sorcerer King, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Well, Descent Fans, with the new Sea of Blood expansion coming out, there are a grand total of 10 known Overlord Avatars (6 that have been playable thus far, but I figured I should take into account the 4 new ones. If you haven't seen the new ones, check out Veinman's snapshot at www.thegelatinouscube.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/gencon-002.jpg ). All in all they are:

The Titan (a giant)

The Demon (a demon)

The Ancient Wyrm (a dragon)

The Beastman Lord (a beastman)

The Sorcerer King (pure awesome)

The Spider Queen (a bane spider)

Captain Bones (a skeleton)

The Count (a razorwing, I think)

Master of the Hunt (a hell hound)

Mistress of Serpents (a naga)

Out of all of these (or at least the first six) which is your favourite, or which from the new expansion do you find the most interesting? Which do you find tends to play the best, and why?

First I want to point out we are getting new skills and that makes my day gran_risa.gif

But the one i think will be most interesting of the new overlords is probably the skeleton captain, because he will probably be abel to go after you at sea or something like that.

Captain Bones looks pretty awesome for sea battles. +25% wounds on his ships, 1 extra sail raised (whatever that means in game) and cannons that do +2 range and +1 damage. Sounds pretty awesome to me!

I've been pleasantly surprised with the Demon Prince (I drew randomly) as the cheaper event card threat cost is really nice, and 10 cards in a hand is more useful (and used more often) than I'd have guessed.

Captain Bones of course! Maybe his haunted ship will roam the ocean! :-)

But he gives me a kind of "pirate feeling".....I hope that the "fantasy" spirit of the game don't go away!

Arrr! Set sail for dem heroes and man the canons!

The only thing captain bones is missing is a skeleton parrot lengua.gif

The Sorcerer King said:

Well, Descent Fans, with the new Sea of Blood expansion coming out, there are a grand total of 10 known Overlord Avatars (6 that have been playable thus far, but I figured I should take into account the 4 new ones. If you haven't seen the new ones, check out Veinman's snapshot at www.thegelatinouscube.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/gencon-002.jpg ). All in all they are:

The Titan (a giant)

The Demon (a demon)

The Ancient Wyrm (a dragon)

The Beastman Lord (a beastman)

The Sorcerer King (pure awesome)

The Spider Queen (a bane spider)

Captain Bones (a skeleton)

The Count (a razorwing, I think)

Master of the Hunt (a hell hound)

Mistress of Serpents (a naga)

Out of all of these (or at least the first six) which is your favourite, or which from the new expansion do you find the most interesting? Which do you find tends to play the best, and why?

Having played with or against Sorcer King, Beastman Lord, Titan, Ancient Wyrm and Spider Queen, the Spider Queen has been the most interesting. Largely because she always has options available, whereas most of the others frequently sit on their behinds for large parts of most dungeons by mid-late silver. Also because as a Beast specialist she is strong on the Mapboard and in encounters, so always has more than one string to her ...web.

I am most looking forward to the Mistress of Serpents, because I really like Naga - and an Avatar that can actually deal out significant damage will make a nice change.