Just got done playing a game with Eric Lang

By Otakuon, in Chaos in the Old World

I just finished playing a game of Chaos in the Old World with Eric Lang here at Gen Con 2009. It was a total blast. it was my first time playing this game. I was playing Khorne and Eric was playing Slaanesh; we also had two other people playing with us as well. After a slow start, the Nurgle player started moving up the victory track pretty quickly. In the end, Eric and I reached our victory dial conditions at the same time, but Eric had more VP than me. The game was extremely fun and I can't wait to play it again. It was especially nice to have the honor of playing it with Eric Lang who is very friendly and a fun person to game with. He even stayed after to chit chat and sign some items of mine despite the fact that the fire alarm was going off and they were trying to evacuate the convention hall.

Otakuon said:

. He even stayed after to chit chat and sign some items of mine despite the fact that the fire alarm was going off and they were trying to evacuate the convention hall.

I guess Tzeentch.was a sore loser demonio.gif


Glad to hear it was fun. A buddy of mine picked up a copy at GenCon, and he's already bugging us to play. Eric Lang is a pretty cool guy -- I've got to meet and hang with him a few times, mostly through the Game of Thrones card game.

JerusalemJones said:

Glad to hear it was fun. A buddy of mine picked up a copy at GenCon, and he's already bugging us to play. Eric Lang is a pretty cool guy -- I've got to meet and hang with him a few times, mostly through the Game of Thrones card game.

That's good to hear that its fun. The demo that FFG was running ended after 1 turn so pretty much all you could do is set up units then stop. It was totally impossible to judge how the game plays. Ironically enough, they gave people 2 full turns for MEQ. bizzare.

Melonball said:

That's good to hear that its fun. The demo that FFG was running ended after 1 turn so pretty much all you could do is set up units then stop. It was totally impossible to judge how the game plays. Ironically enough, they gave people 2 full turns for MEQ. bizzare.

Yeah, one turn is not enough to appreciate the depth and various styles of play that this game has to offer.

Speaking of MEQ, I thought it was pretty cool that Corey himself was running one of the demo sessions throughout the entire convention.

Yeah, I saw that...wish i could have played a game with him. amazingly talented designer.

I can't wait to pick this game up. Sounds like a lot of fun to watch the gods of Chaos go at each others throats in the ultimate showdown instead of always beating on the imperium of man.

Furien_Rage said:

instead of always beating on the imperium of man.

Well... in some way they also do that. :o )

Killer Power said:

Well... in some way they also do that. :o )

Right. The game has a Quasi Co-Op element to it. Not only are the 4 players playing against each other, but they are also playing against the board. The Old World cards create events that can effect all players. Also, there are peasents, heroes and nobles that have to be delt with. Plus, if all 7 of the Old World cards are reveled, the Old World wins and everyone loses. During the game, Eric was trying to make deals with each of the players such as "I won't attack you if you don't attack me". However, none of these diplomatic overtures really went through so well....