
By mordak5, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I know that spirit walker has been reduced to 5 squares in RTL, but just a general query, does the Hero with spiritwalker need LOS to the hero that is being used to trace his attack from,

mordak5 said:

I know that spirit walker has been reduced to 5 squares in RTL, but just a general query, does the Hero with spiritwalker need LOS to the hero that is being used to trace his attack from,

IIRC they do not. I don't remember anything on the skill card saying it required LOS to work.

We've had Spiritwalker as a starting skill in both campaigns I've played. I can confirm it does not need LOS.

The one query I did have a while back is about whether the range is 5 actual real spaces on the board, or a radius of 5 that can actually go through walls.

In our first campaign we played it that it was a radius - we found this too powerful, so in the second campaign (and thanks to enough people on here telling me I was doing it wrong), we played that you actually had to count 5 spaces on the board, but it can go round corners.

IMO, the skill is still a bit too good, which is why I've houseruled that a hero must pay 1 fatigue to go spiritwalking. It lasts until they move from their current location. This has worked really well.