Capture the flag

By Amitloaf, in Doom

I played a game of capture the flag 3 on 3.

After about 45 minutes of going back and forth, taking flags and dying on the way we just stopped because no one scored even one point and dying was way too easy. Are we doing something wrong or does that happen to you too?

I barely scored 1 point when I did play vs my friend. All I did was 1 Marine=Guard the base, 1 Marine=Go for the enemy flag, 1 Marine=Defend the flag runner.

Enemies either:

Stop and kill the defender which gives the runner more time to escape.


Ignore the defender and get shredded by the guns.

Of course we used a mod that allows points to be scored even if our flag is taken, meaning we only need to bring their flag and forget our own flag.

I haven't really played CTF, i'm more a deathmatch guy :)

You should try out my mod for CTF.



Instead of returning back to base when a flag is retaken by a member of its own team, that player may carry it around evading the enemy if he so wish.

Instead of requiring both flags to be at your base to score 1 point, you only need the opposition's flag in your base, doesn't matter where yours is at.

Flags scored is immediately placed on its own base again. Do not reset anything else, just return it to base ripe for picking again. (this means players can camp at enemy base and take their flag right after it's scored, though easier said than done since enemies respawn there)


Give it a try sometime