i would like to now if tarzan will be appering in upcoming sets and why he was not printed in the first three sets. i did havwe a threoy on why it is but i would like to here feedback. i beilive tarzan has a duel ownership so he was unable to be licensed for use in the card game.
where is tarzan at?
Tarzan isn't owned by Disney. He's owned by the original author.
Licensing rights to print cards of him AND the Disney rights would cost too much just to print a single card.
diseny does own him but they have to get licensing rights for him for everything or esle he wouldnt be in the game. plus if u look at the deep jungle cards the have a second tardmark name
we are never going to see tarzan most likely and people have to live with that BUT that doesnt mean we shouldnt get the Jungle Key attack/equipment card right? How come this card never came out its not owned by the author its a keyblade!
comdieguy said:
diseny does own him but they have to get licensing rights for him for everything or esle he wouldnt be in the game. plus if u look at the deep jungle cards the have a second tardmark name
No...Disney DOESN'T own Tarzan. They were given licensing rights to make a Disney themed film about the novel 'Tarzan: King Of The Jungle', but nothing beyond that. Squenix and Disney acquired rights to use the character Tarzan in the Deep Jungle world in the game they released.
FFG are not Squenix or Disney and do not have the licensing rights.
They could produce a Jungle Key, dunno why there isn't one yet.
the jungle key would prolly suck but atleast FFG cant say they are running out of cards to make
Heh, I'd like to see the Jungle Key as:
Jungle Key (equipment)
+2 att., +0 mag.
For each dark card you defeat, draw one card.
It would be an epic card to have.
well which keyblade from deep jungle is going to be used if it was the first game one it would of been printed by now. it will most likely be the second game blade because they are movig on. i would really like to see pride lands key blade that you get.
comdieguy said:
well which keyblade from deep jungle is going to be used if it was the first game one it would of been printed by now. it will most likely be the second game blade because they are movig on. i would really like to see pride lands key blade that you get.
You say that like FFG are designing the cards.
Sadly there is no pride land stuff which most people probably noticed when they saw the new simba still acting as a Magic/Friend but seeing peter turned into one like in the games.
well me and my game group notice that they most likely wont print first game keyblades as equiments and they are most likely down making attack cards. so they wil only make the second game deep jungle sword. and they do design this cards cause they have to make effects that fit both the game and the sword.
comdieguy said:
they do design this cards
why is that funny every game has to design cards this one just doesnt have to do art or names they do have to make text for the card game the is a true to the game.
comdieguy said:
why is that funny every game has to design cards this one just doesnt have to do art or names they do have to make text for the card game the is a true to the game.
That's the thing. FFG pretty much only translates the cards and sells them. That's about it.
The game was already made 'n design'd in Japan. This is merely an import that was translated 'n brought to the public.
Kinda like video games. A lot of what we play starts off in Japan in japanese. Yes, we can buy their game of it, but we wouldn't be able to understand it. At least not until they translate it into our language.
whoa whoa whoa what second game deep jungle keyblade deep jungle was only in the first game unless its in one of the new ones coming out there is only one jungle key
Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:
whoa whoa whoa what second game deep jungle keyblade deep jungle was only in the first game unless its in one of the new ones coming out there is only one jungle key
Yea I was just wondering about that too lmao Deep Jungle was only in Kingdom Hearts 1, cause the pride land keyblades were the only one closest to the Deep Jungle keyblades lol
i figured we'd still might see some of taht i was just wondering why in earlier sets the jungle key wasnt considered but clayton was and so were the worlds
i never said anything about ffg designing the cards i just said some one designs they cards
comdieguy said:
i never said anything about ffg designing the cards i just said some one designs they cards
Nobody has for over a year now...All FFG does is buy the sets off Tomy who stopped producing them forever-and-a-day ago.
this game has an inevitable death and all we can do is buy until then....hmmm that is incredibly stupid
Tarzan is owned by Edgar Rice Burrough's family who didn't let Disney and Square Enix to use him in the second game. Which also meant they wouldn't allow they to make cards for the characters. Deep Jungle, The Heartless, The Keyblade, and Clayton were owned by Disney (though Clayton was made for the movie but still part of Tarzan) so they were allowed to be used, but Tarzen, Jane, etc were copyrighted by the Burrough's and without permission to use them, it simple couldn't be done.
Also FFG just translates and doesn't think to translate into a clear cut English sentence structure. Unless they make cards, I dont see Tarzan becoming a card.
sorry my dumb fingers and fast thinking had a mix up on the deep jungle blade. i meant to say that they problely will not print the deep jungle blade unless they print more attack cards like in the first 2 sets but im not counting the third set cause it just had one. if they do print one it will be an equiment.
am i the only one that cares taht in three more sets the game ends, no more sets in japan means no more here, thats it its done
no it will last longer but there will be a break when they release the new games which i think there is 2-4 in production