A NOTE to Mr. Little...stop beating around the bush.

By GreyLord, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

First, before you think this is entirely antagonistic, it's not. Thanks for the time that you've spent explaining some items about WFRP thus far. However, you haven't answered any of my questions, and some of it is in how you've presented it. I want to know, as someone concerned about WFRP, what exactly it is that you are presenting. I doubt anyone except those who are easily parted from their money are going to pay $100 for an RPG (especially when new rpg gamers can get D&D books from Amazon for around $20, and from the gamestores for under $40, and other RPGs are a LOT cheaper), so I think there needs to be a refocus. I am NOT anyone really associated with FFG except a customer who continues to buy FFG products...but I would hope that there could be answers given out. AS I said, I APPRECIATE that you presented WFRP, but there are some notes that I wanted to state and hope you do not take them the wrong way. Most of them would be better if you were MORE specific, and all boil to the one point I made in the topic title.

First off, NOT impressed with your comment on quality and then your statement of 4 little books. IT doesn't matter HOW many booklets you toss it if they are all little paperback stapled pieces of paper which have no relation to the original WFRP. For quality however, one book can be exceptional and even better then four inferior ones...or are the ALL HARDBACK WITH GOOD BINDINGS...in which case color me impressed.

I don't like cards in D&D, why in the world am I going to be pleased with 300 full color cards in WFRP?

Focus on storytelling is good, how about how the game actually works instead of filler? Get to the heart of the matter.

I already have Descent if that's what you mean by game aids. Most game aids put out...such as by companies like WOTC are a WASTE of money...if that's what you are putting in the box and raising the price to $100, cut them out and offer them as alternates...don't force us to buy them...that is if that's all they really are...game aids. Game aids are optional, and if they are options cut mine out and just sell me the rules. If they aren't optional, that means they aren't game aids.

Yes I got it, you don't have to repeat yourself over and over again. YOU stated it is NOT a board game, there is NO board and NO map (though personally I LIKE maps to be in an RPG, at least when presenting the campaign world). I need more specifics on WHY it's not a boardgame BEYOND that there is NO board.

D&D doesn't come with a board or a map either...however there can be seen a connection between it and boardgames (personally I have PLAYED 4e quite well WITHOUT a board...so it's possible...but many would claim it is a board game in many respects even though there is NO BOARD OR MAP).

Come to think of it, Collosal Arena has no board or map either, neither does Race for the Galaxy, Dominion, Yahtzee...unless you are counting the tabler as a board...in which case...

It's good to make it so that the GM isn't seen as the adversary and instead the assistant telling the story...but tell me again what exactly are these dynamics that are going to do that? A focus on Roleplaying is GOOD, and I think that's a good direction...can you give us more meat on that, why are people going to feel more towards storytelling and Roleplaying than simply a dungeon bash? Game aids don't do that...in fact many times they actually promote more of that attitude of GM vs. players...so of course I want more filled in on how the storytelling and roleplaying emphasis are going to be accomplished.

So what am I saying, and hopefully others can bring in suggestions of EXACTLY what they want to see or hear...

Stop feeding us filler...cut to the chase, be direct...what exactly are the stats and the game like. Point blank, that's the biggest note I want to say.

For example, are the stats still percentages, are the advancements still percentages, how is combat done and how is it different than it is now.

Either come out and say you're coming out with a new game because it's NOT like the old WFRP, or come out and show us HOW it is either the same game, or a continuation of the old game. I think that's the big question on more people's minds than just mine (or maybe I'm just odd?). Just come out and state it please, and then explain why your statement is true.

That's what I want. Basically, Stop BEATING AROUND THE BUSH. Period.

Anyone else with notes for him, please fill free to add.