I am on the fence...

By tenplusthree, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

There is a lot that looks bad about the new edition. I wish that FFG had done a better job with the annoucement. Even the meeting at Gen Con did not have answers ready that should have been there. I wish someone had recorded it.

I do not think that $100.00 is necassarally too much, but I would like to see what I am getting for my money. If you purchase the Tome of Magic, Tome of Salvation, and Core rules you would be in for over $100.00. However I would like to see if the books included in the box are as beefy as the TOM and TOS were. If it will require future suppliments then it may be too much.

The Game World Box set sounds like a good idea, but I hope that it comes out VERY shortly after the base set. Also if it is in the same price range I would hope that it includes information on Tilea, Estallia, Kislev, the Badlands, ect...

The adventurers set had better come out at the same time as the core box set. We have a GM+6 and I would hate to have to kick two out because we do not have enough dice.

And lastly we will probably continue to play 2E until at least the "Epic Adventure" comes out. If we were going to switch that woudl be the reason to do so. I hope it is better than Paths of the Damned.

But my main point is I wish that FFG had done a better job with the announcement, and had a larger presense on these boards. The Black Library crew was much much better than that.