Had some interesting points come up during first 2 runs.

By duckforceone, in Battlestar Galactica

Well we had a blast tonight..

bought the game. we played it twice, once in early evening, and then with a 2 hour break we played it again all night.

So to all of those out there with no game yet, go get it. It's well worth it.

Now we had some pretty interesting situations come up.

One is, that to us it seems that the only political card we ever found worth playing, was to get someone in the brig. That was about it, Neither president ever played anything else.

Then during our second run, Most of us were convinced that boomer was a cylon agent quite early on, but due to quick jumps, we went into the next loyalty card faze quickly.

As luck would have it, boomer already was a unrevealed cylon, then drew the other cylon, and the sympatizer card. Then proceded to give the two cylon cards away, to players we quite obviously figured out became cylons. They didn't reveal for quite awhile.

We threw them in the brig before they could blink, but then they just started playing executive order on each other, so they both got at least 2 tries to get out of the brig, thereby depleting us of most of our cards.

We were so busy, just trying to keep these two locked in, that we could not defend the ship, or try anything else.

In the end, we barely won on luck. Luck being that we advanced jump 3 times in a row, without losing our last population.

so to recap, we found it quite tough to lock down 2 known cylons, even though we had the president and admiral on our side. And they had more value staying unrevealed, just trying to break out all the time, due to the order cards giving them 2 actions.

That's interesting, I thought you where restricted in your actions in the brig. But reading the rules I can't find any such rules. It seems only movment is restricted. And with two cylons in there the one card only to a skill check effectivley becomes two cards (one each) futher adding to the dificulty keeping them in there... Now if one of them happens to be Zarek as well, you got a real problem gran_risa.gif