My friends and I purchase a few new board games per year and when StarCraft was released it really sounded like a great epic war game so we didn't hesitate. The game has been in the group now for about a month and we have played it numerous times, (I have played 6 games as of last night). In any case the experiance has been really disapointing so far but I continue to hear arguments about how great the game is on the forums and various review sites. Many claiming that it is the expansion that solves most of the games problems. Given that the game was really expensive and the expansion costs about as much as a new game would I'm really relactant to buy it, yet at the same time having already spent so much cash on the original game which at this point I can say is unlikely to see any table time anytime soon, I sort of feel obligated to try and find whatever "IT" is that makes people rave about the game.
The problems with the game as I see them in no particular order.
Mobility: This I think above all else is the biggest trouble with the game, but often is more or less of an issue depending on the layout of the Planets. With only 4 possible orders and only 2 of them being mobility (with a possibel third I guess you could say) you really can't get very far. In addition their is the issue of building transports (before you can move) and before you can build a transport you need a base. The whole thing is just sooo bloody painful. It never fails that one player is winning do simply to the fact that others can't get too him fast enough.
Predictable Combat: I would say I can guess with about 90% accuraccy three things in any given round. I can guess where any given player will attack. I can guess the results of the overall combat and I can guess how he will line up his units as the attacker. I would say with about 70-80% accurracy I can guess the results of any skirmish as well although this gets more difficult in later rounds with tech cards and all. Still its all very predictable, its a very straight forward very obvious situation in most games. While I love the concept of a diceless mechanic, in this game it serves only to give very static results. This is due in part by the fact that the units have such disperangly different attack and defend totals that the only time a fight is not entirely predictable is when units of equal class are fighting (aka Space Marines vs. Zerglings) for example. But even this is pretty predictable since in most cases the unit count 'How many on each side" and the fact that the attacker can break supply limit and lines up the units and the fact that he draws an additional 3 combat cards.. I mean you really stack the odds against the defender quite high. Its also quite easy to look at a defended position and know if you do or don't have the troops to take it.
Unbalanced Racial Characteristics: The biggest beef I have is with the racial victory conditions. Really they are just too bloody easy to do. By round 4 of every game we have been in all or most players already have their victory conditions done lined up but by round 5 someone hits 15 conquest points anyway, usually the person who managed to isolate him and earn 3 points per round for the entire game. Sometimes it goes into a 6th round, but its rare.
I suppose the question is, does the expansion address the above three issues in any way? Is mobility of the game improved by the expansion rules. Does combat become less predictable? and are game end results any different as a result of the expansion?