Descent Sea of Blood announced at Gencon

By TeufelHund666, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Looks like another campaign game ala Road to Legend:

I'll probably buy it for the sake of completeness but I'm more interested in Wod/AoD/ToI style expansions myself, having limited time to play a campaign.

Amazing! This is just what I wanted, something to compliment Road to Legend! I head some people saying that a seafaring expansion would be interesting, and this seems to follow those expectations. I am eagerly awaiting the undoubted flow of quests and rumors that will accompany it. I just hope that the maps will somehow connect or something, rather than having to choose a seafaring game vs. the standard RtL map!

I'm not interested in campaigning either, but a swashbuckling battle at sea sounds VERY appealing.

This looks sweet!

Looks like I am gonna sink ten-metric-tons of cash-flow into this game!

5 expansions, quest-guide, and all the liutinutes to go!!!


Yeah an RtL expansion or another RtL type game was due. I wonder if this is compeltely stand alone or if you can mix it?

Please let there be POUNDS of Plastic! gran_risa.gif

Any sign of the Compendium?!?

I wonder how bad the rules are written. happy.gif

That Paper Ocean folded up in one of the pictures looks interesting... I wonder how figures will move through the water, if only the beasties will swim through the ocean, climbing aboard and attacking the heroes while on their vessel... Or better yet if the heroes will be exploring a ghost ship or a labyrinth at the bottom of the sea!

Looking at the first picture, we can see under the fist layer a map abou the size of the actual RTL map. Seems like it could go to the right or left side of it. I can also see "water trails" with one Encounter shield. That probably means that you have to roll the black dice and might have Water Outdoor Encounter.

I also guess the party can buy Party Upgrade such as cannons for their boat. Looks great!

The Sorcerer King said:

That Paper Ocean folded up in one of the pictures looks interesting... I wonder how figures will move through the water, if only the beasties will swim through the ocean, climbing aboard and attacking the heroes while on their vessel... Or better yet if the heroes will be exploring a ghost ship or a labyrinth at the bottom of the sea!

The possibilities are just awesome! Ghost ships! Underwater ruins! Cthuhlu like demons to slay!

Big Remy said:

I wonder if this is compeltely stand alone or if you can mix it?

It would make no sense for them to release an expansion requiring another expansion to play, so I think we can assume this is a standalone.

I'm headed to Gencon tomorrow. I'll try to find out as much as I can. Looks cool from the pics!

Hopefully it still maintains a Descent feel. I don't want them to jump the shark with the game just because it sells.

TeufelHund said:

Big Remy said:

I wonder if this is compeltely stand alone or if you can mix it?

It would make no sense for them to release an expansion requiring another expansion to play, so I think we can assume this is a standalone.

I agree, sadly. From the pictures, and from their usual policy (each expansion operates independently with the base game), it looks like this will be an alternative type campaign to RtL. I'm guessing that ship map is the base for the outdoor encounter maps!

Hopefully it will integrate with RtL as well and not just be a standalone. Looks cool anyway.

Corbon said:

Hopefully it will integrate with RtL as well and not just be a standalone. Looks cool anyway.

This is more what I was hoping for.

Can't wait to get the full info on it!

Corbon said:

Hopefully it will integrate with RtL as well and not just be a standalone. Looks cool anyway.

My money is on a stand alone campaign game similar to RtL that integrates with RtL. Given their track record of stand alone expansions and yet integrating with the previous expansions, this seems to be a reasonable guess.

Ya integration with RtL is a must and it will be easy. You notice the plot decks and equipment and dungeon cards there. Even if the boards aren't meant to be used together (which I am sure they are meant to) you will still be able to 'roll' for water encounters in Vanilla RtL if you buy this expansion.

My guess is no new plastic but we will get:

1) Water Encounter Mechanism with Ship upgrade system compatible with vanilla RtL (rivers system)

2) New Lietenants--cardboard only (so they can sell metal later).

3) New plots for new board only (possibly one plot that can be either board)

4) new dungeons for either vanilla RtL or sea of blood.

5) New items (duh) compatible with all versions.

6) New Encounters (outdoor cards) for both RtL and sea of blood non water areas.

7) New Rumors used in RtL and SoB.

But ya, my guess is no new plastic but this will EASILY expand RtL. It won't require it but it will definately make RtL much more worth it to get if you don't have it. New campaign expansion, nice!!!!

Then my guess is 1 year later they will have a plastic heavy (ala: AoD, WoD, ToI) expansion...and alternate accordingly.

Forget the ship tiles and campaign map, I want to see the minis. This game needs a box set of new overlord minions. Zombies, liches, vampires, human barbarians, these sort of things. MORE MINIS PLEASE!

If you look at the fisĀ“rst pic it seams as you can get a golden hamster or something

mayby it will work like Minsc's (miniature giant space) hamster from baldurs gate where it gives + 1 damage. that would be totally awesome sauce

I am with you too. The reason I bought into the game, or most Fantasy Flight Games for that matter, is the minis. I'd like to see another expansion box with some really cool minis. I wasn't too impressed with Tomb of Ice, but I liked all of the other expansions to date. I just didn't care for the sculpts in Tomb of Ice. More humanoids would be very nice, but I am not too much into the undead theme. I am sure an undead expansion would sell like hot-cakes though.

Ohnojojo said:

Forget the ship tiles and campaign map, I want to see the minis. This game needs a box set of new overlord minions. Zombies, liches, vampires, human barbarians, these sort of things. MORE MINIS PLEASE!

I like the RTL type map expansion idea. I have too much to paint now anyway. More minis would just increase my pile of stuff I want to paint.

How long was it after RTL was announced that we could actually buy it on line? I hope they were able to make a bigger print run for this one. Odd that this was kept under wraps but the quest book wasn't.

By the way the d6 generation's pod cast is great. I know it is long but I highly recomend it. (they are the ones that posted the pics)

granor said:

Odd that this was kept under wraps but the quest book wasn't.

Not really. The Quest book was announced several months ago and is now "On the boat", so hopefully we will see it very shortly. The caption on one of the pictures says Sea of Blood is in 4 months. That would mean they are probably targeting December. So the lead time for the announcements is about the same.

Hopefully, there are new characters and monster minis.

I don't like how they sold the metal minis for the last expansion rather than just including plastic versions.

These expansions should have new characters and new monsters to go along with the campaign guides.

The overworld map in the first pic looks to me like it's based off the Island of Dread expansion from Runebound (which makes perfect sense). I'm excited for that. It probably won't officially connect to the RtL map, but that hasn't stopped people on the Runebound side from trying.

As far as new content goes, as long as this expansion gives us some honest to goodness bloodsquids, I'll be happy =P