Descent Sea of Blood announced at Gencon

By TeufelHund666, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This sounds interesting.

Wish there were new minis in it not just tokens that represent avatars and monsters.

The map is from Island of Dread, that's good becouse it makes the world more consistent with Runebound.

I'm thinking that in the near future we will see a expansion with the board fron Sand of Al-Kalim nad Frozen Wastes. So the future looks bright.

I'm actually surprised they didn't go with Frozen Wastes first, given the Tomb of Ice expansion. Maybe they are going to go in order of Runebound expansions.

Slightly off topic, but how exactly does Runebound play?

No new minis?

Veinman said:

Slightly off topic, but how exactly does Runebound play?

Like a non-competitive version of Talisman. (you move around hex map and draw encounter cards and resolve battle)

If you are thinking of getting it, I suggest playing both Runebound and Talisman with a group of 3 or 4 people. I think you will find they prefer Talisman.

Now if you want to play solo, then most would recommend Runebound. Personally, I'd rather play Descent solo.

Scy800 said:

Not start a completely seperate one. I am not liking FFG's strategy that all expansions should be completely standalone with just JitD required. I only play RtL with all the other expansion, and I am still sad that all those lava and mist tiles lay about feeling very unwanted :( .

I get annoyed by this policy too, since I go out and buy it all anyway, but I can see how some people who can't afford everything would find it a godsend. They can just buy the stuff they really want and not have to worry about missing something key from a prior set. Those of us who do buy everything can probably kitbash a way to use it all anyway ;)

Steve-O said:

Scy800 said:

Not start a completely seperate one. I am not liking FFG's strategy that all expansions should be completely standalone with just JitD required. I only play RtL with all the other expansion, and I am still sad that all those lava and mist tiles lay about feeling very unwanted :( .

I get annoyed by this policy too, since I go out and buy it all anyway, but I can see how some people who can't afford everything would find it a godsend. They can just buy the stuff they really want and not have to worry about missing something key from a prior set. Those of us who do buy everything can probably kitbash a way to use it all anyway ;)

Best bet if you want to use all the stuff, buy the quest compedium. It has 16 new quests, many of which use content from multiple expansions. One particular quest called "The Siege of Tamilar" (by Kevin Wilson himself) uses content from every expansion.

I had the amazing privilege of being able to help work on Sea of Blood. I can't say very much at all about it, but I will say this; if you liked Road to Legend, you will love Sea of Blood. It takes everything that was great about Road to Legend and keeps it, and improves the things that weren't so great.

You have a lot to look forward to.

spazard1 said:

and improves the things that weren't so great.

So it's going to help me get my group together more than once a month? corazon.gif

spazard1 said:

I had the amazing privilege of being able to help work on Sea of Blood. I can't say very much at all about it, but I will say this; if you liked Road to Legend, you will love Sea of Blood. It takes everything that was great about Road to Legend and keeps it, and improves the things that weren't so great.

You have a lot to look forward to.

Could you be a bit more specific in terms of the things from RtL that weren't so great?

Bleached Lizard said:

spazard1 said:

I had the amazing privilege of being able to help work on Sea of Blood. I can't say very much at all about it, but I will say this; if you liked Road to Legend, you will love Sea of Blood. It takes everything that was great about Road to Legend and keeps it, and improves the things that weren't so great.

You have a lot to look forward to.

Could you be a bit more specific in terms of the things from RtL that weren't so great?

Overland encounters were one of the weak spots. In this expansion having encounters at sea, with an upgradable hero ship battling who knows what, seems like it will be a lot more fun. The fact that there are upgrades that only serve to make encounters easier makes me think that they will be tougher on average.

Also, there is no obvious Talimar equivelent on the board, meaning that there may no longer be a single city that the OL can sack to win the game, addresssing another of the less fun aspects of RtL.

I can't say for certain, but I'd expect that the endgame will be different this time around. Gold level and the final battle were the biggest let downs of RtL, so I'd expect to see the biggest changes in them.

Now if they can only retrofit RtL to fix those things.

Veinman said:

Slightly off topic, but how exactly does Runebound play?

i would disagree a bit with frog, it has several big differences from talisman. it's much less random, it does include pvp and competing to be the one to win it (safe from a few expansions) and unlike with talisman you should have at least a little bit of strategy when playing.

basically it's roll some dice to move along the map, have encounters (cards), kill said encounter (by rolling dice) and with gold and xp from said encounters upgrade your hero until you can defeat the big baddies, using towns to shop and heal.

Big Remy said:

Now if they can only retrofit RtL to fix those things.

Amen to that. One of the reasons I am also annoyed at this is that they are leaving great games like RtL behind unfixed. I would have loved some more options for it. But I shouldn't jump to conclusions. I might be able to put things from sea of blood to good use.

The compendium does sound like fun. I will be getting it soon!

Scy800 said:

Big Remy said:

Now if they can only retrofit RtL to fix those things.

Amen to that. One of the reasons I am also annoyed at this is that they are leaving great games like RtL behind unfixed. I would have loved some more options for it. But I shouldn't jump to conclusions. I might be able to put things from sea of blood to good use.

The compendium does sound like fun. I will be getting it soon!

Well depending on what they changed, you could probably just take it and apply it to RtL anyways. I know once I get it and get a look at the rulebook, I'll be working on a way to combine RtL and SoB into a megacampaign.

I have it on good authority that I was incorrect in my original assumption that Sea of Blood contains 45 dungeons. Apparently the numbering continues on from Road to Legend.

Hopefully this means that the campaigns are intended to mesh together if you want them to. At the very least, it probably means that you could use these dungeons in RtL.

Veinman said:

I have it on good authority that I was incorrect in my original assumption that Sea of Blood contains 45 dungeons. Apparently the numbering continues on from Road to Legend.

Hopefully this means that the campaigns are intended to mesh together if you want them to. At the very least, it probably means that you could use these dungeons in RtL.

That's seems odd seeing as how with ToI there is what 44 dungeons? I'd be kind of disappointed if they simply decided to have you use the RtL dungeon cards for SoB and didn't give any new ones.

Big Remy said:

Veinman said:

I have it on good authority that I was incorrect in my original assumption that Sea of Blood contains 45 dungeons. Apparently the numbering continues on from Road to Legend.

Hopefully this means that the campaigns are intended to mesh together if you want them to. At the very least, it probably means that you could use these dungeons in RtL.

That's seems odd seeing as how with ToI there is what 44 dungeons? I'd be kind of disappointed if they simply decided to have you use the RtL dungeon cards for SoB and didn't give any new ones.

I think he means the dungeon numbering for SoB start at 45, where ToI left off. (meaning 45- 80s or 90s in SoB, conceivably).

Yeah I just came to that realization since if it was like I said it would require you to own RtL and that goes against FFG policy.

I really wish FFG would at least TRY to put out at least one expansion for those who own everything that ties things together more (replacement dungeons for RtL utilizing all expansions, for instance, for figure placement and what-not)...

i think we talked about a water exp, before im glad its coming out.!!!

pinkymadigan said:

I think he means the dungeon numbering for SoB start at 45, where ToI left off. (meaning 45- 80s or 90s in SoB, conceivably).

ding ding ding

Titeman said:

I really wish FFG would at least TRY to put out at least one expansion for those who own everything that ties things together more (replacement dungeons for RtL utilizing all expansions, for instance, for figure placement and what-not)...

I'd think it wouldn't be too hard to do that, put together something like the quest compendium, although you'd want a few more cards for dungeon lvls, avatars with expansion monsters, etc. Just a book of quests/dungeons, combined with a little pack of the necessary cards would do.