Descent Sea of Blood announced at Gencon

By TeufelHund666, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

A whole set of "Water" Themed baddies would be awesome. Especially if SoB included a change or two regarding water in dungeons and its relationship to these new monsters. I mean C'Mon! Who doesn't want Blood Squid minis?!?

edroz said:

granor said:

Odd that this was kept under wraps but the quest book wasn't.

Not really. The Quest book was announced several months ago and is now "On the boat", so hopefully we will see it very shortly. The caption on one of the pictures says Sea of Blood is in 4 months. That would mean they are probably targeting December. So the lead time for the announcements is about the same.

So this isn't for sale at gen con this is just a preview? I missed that.

I'll be very surprised if they have new mini in this since its made to work with the JitD core box. RtL came with no new minis, so I really doubt this will as well unless they deem it necessary for the aquatic theme.

This looks really really REALLY nice! gran_risa.gif

According to the folks at the FF booth, Sea of Blood is a stand alone campaign expansion, meaning the only other set you need is JitD. It will be in the same vain as RtL with campaign options from the other sets.

Looks great!!! I can't wait for more news from Indy.....

Campaign in Descent is a very beautiful way to play the game, and SoB will be a GREAT input for the entire descent experience, imo....

Well: here two questions for the panel....

First one: does someone konow if there will be new miniatures in SoB? I can we battle the sea-monsters and the new avatars if they will not be on the board (no: we DON'T want paper items or metal miniatures, please!)? Actually, I guess will be introduced new types of monster, that there aren't yet in the other expansions produced so far ('cause is the first time that heroes go to the open sea...), plastic models will need!!

And the second question is: could SoB be "mixable" with the RtL campaign? For example, assuming that OL lurks in a very very far island lost in the sea, the party could start the adventure in Tamalir, travelling among the Terrinoth land to the coast, battling the enemy forces as always, passing from the Rtl board on the new SoB board, and then could purchase the ship to take the sea, heading to that scary island.. When the party dies in an outdoor encounter and is already in the SoB board (i.e. in a battle in the open sea), maybe it could return to the main city of that board (a sort of Tamalir of the coast, or something like that) and restart from there. Furthermaore, if the OL's keep is the "old" Terrinoth land, it would be anyway allowed to go in the Sea World to find some relics or to discover new Legenday Areas in wich the party can gain some fantastic reward for the quest....

So, i think that this could be the best way to mix ALL the stuff so far collected (DJiTD core set, WoD, AoD, ToI and RtL too!!!), to have an incredible game experience (what a big world to explore, folks!!).

Obviously, who don't have RtL (and/or the other expansion sets) can always play a normal Descent Campaign just starting from the city on the coast.

What are your answers on my questions and (more important) your suggestions 'bout them?

Sounds awesome, some of the best news all week! Of course the obvious next question is when is it going to come out?

According to the InFlight vid from GenCon it sounds like it will be totally separate from RtL. Bummer. I was hoping the expansion would integrate all previous expansions better (or at least make it playable WITH RtL)...

ha HA! I just watched the GenCon vid from FFG, and they specifically mentioned GHOST SHIPS! My love of undeath on the high seas is satisfied.

But no matter what they say, I WILL find a way to connect both maps and integrate both areas as viable exploring options, either with teleporters, new pathways, or some other admittedly haphazard connection.


*ahem* ...bit over the top there...

All very interesting...

I do think though that this may finally be where I draw the line at buying new expansions for what is already an enormous game. That said, that's what I thought when I saw ToI first announced.

It definitely looks fun, but I question whether I really need another campaign. One thing which might draw me is if there were a lot of material which could still be used in an RtL campaign. Presumably it will have another 40 card dungeon deck? Land encounters which could be used in RtL? Maybe even water encounters which could be substituted in for encounters in RtL water trails?

Going to be a long wait though. Christmas 2010 anyone?

So this is looking good so far. You know their going to have another box set that come with aquaic mini types. I can see it now 6-8 blood squids They prob. with have the reach abil. too). I remember seeing some kind of water/swap tpye monster in the diskwars pic. that had 4 arms cant think of the name.......Started with a g I think. bostezo.gif water elemenat would be another good one too. Sea serpent for the big one. But they would have to work it so that the monster could be on land aswell as water. preocupado.gif

What I would love to see is a 2nd edition rule book which will fix a good 90% of the rule ?'s out there. But that may never come. llorando.gif corazon_roto.gif sad.gif

please.......... gran_risa.gif

I am so stoked for this expansion AND I hope we also see the last LT's and the Overlord Avatar's would be cool as well.

CanadianPittbull said:

I am so stoked for this expansion AND I hope we also see the last LT's and the Overlord Avatar's would be cool as well.

I'm compiling the info on this page of my site. But I can tell you this:

There will be 4 new Avatars: the Master of Hunt, the Count, the Mistress of Serpents and Captain Bones.

There will be at least 1 new plot called Leviathan.

There will be new skills such as Captain (Fighting), Dead Eye (Subterfuge) and Alex the Wise, a compagnion (Wizardry).

After a bit of close up snooping of the pics and consideration....

Tempting though it is, I can see trying to use both Rtl and SoB maps together to be a logistical nightmare. Lieutenants would take forever to get around for one thing. Would skills be available in both cities? I suppose

Captain is an astonishing looking skill! another four skills of each type, do we think? The owl familiar looks extremely funky. Would love to know what he does.

SoB doesn't have land based encounter rolls!? I could believe they might not want to include all those overland tiles again, but how are Lieutenants fought?

See the city of the smiths? for twice the cost, and 20xp, heroes can choose any item in the deck!

No Hometown? Do glyphs just take heroes back to that island's town? This'll makes travelling from place to place much more arduous.

That map of the island on the back of the box seems customisable with all the tokens on it. Could it be for overland "Island dungeons" as denoted by the Red areas? Very interesting change from the usual corridor/room set-up the normal Descent maps require if so.

Four Avatars... Skeleton, Hellhound, Naga and... The count has the attributes of a Master what? Razorwing seems the most vampiric... otherwise, Ogre or Manticore?
The Swinging ropes promised in the initial RtL publicity are in! I always knew they'd be back eventually.

When I took a chance to examine the pictures in detail and compare somethings to the RtL campaign, a couple of things spung into clarity.

When you take a look at the picture with the boxes for storing character components between sessions, there is a deck of cards that represent the dungeon encounters. If you look closely, you can see that the number on the dungeon card, is numbered 45. If you look at your RtL copy, as well as the cards included in the ToI expansion for the RtL campaign, you will find that the dungeon encounters number up to 44. This would implicate that at the very least you will be able to combine both the dungeon cards from RtL and SoB together to form one dungeon deck.

Next, if you recall the 6 overlords in RtL, theres a balance between them. Two being eldrich (sorcerer and demon), two being beast (dragon and bane spider), and two being human (beastman and giant). If that pattern follows, and also assuming they will include 6 overlords in this campaign since they are meant to be standalone expansions to the JotD base game, you would have to assume the same balance would be present. With that being said, they have shown us 4 overlords so far, those being Captain Bones (a skeleton, eldrich), Master of the Hunt (a hell hound, beast), Mistress of Serpents (a naga, beast), and The Count (unknown). Since there are three types of monsters, one would assume that there would again be two of each type, making 6, and not just 4, doubling up on one type. Also assume they won't double up on monster types from RtL, in other words, no sorcerer, demon, dragon, bane spider, beastman or giant.

Being that as it may, making those assumptions (yes, I know, don't assume, but hey, we're all speculating at this point, its the only thing keeping us going till it hits the shelves) we can guess that we need to come up with 1 eldrich creature, and 2 humanoids to fill out the last three types used. Now, again since FFG states that each expansion can be used independantly with JitD without any other expansion, you can't include any of the expansion creatures. That leaves us with the following possibilities (not seen in RtL)....Eldrich : Nothing Humanoid : Ogre

Okie, so that theory doesn't work since we still need two more monsters. (Yes, this all went through my head over the last couple nights as I tried to balance this out without going completely nutz.) So then we go to the simpler answer, and that they don't intend to have a balance of monster types, ie, two of each, but still intend to introduce new monster types as overlords, and not repeat the RtL choices. The following possibilities then occur : Eldrich : Nothing..... Humanoid : Ogre..... Beast : Manticore, Razorwing.....Theres our missing three.

Of course, I could be completely off base, maybe they intend to only have four instead of six, they could double up on monster types seen in RtL to SoB, and for all we know, some overlords could be optional depending on which expansions you own (similar to the choices of starting monsters you see in each dungeon level).

This is again all speculation, but hope it gets you all thinking and dreaming up some possibilities until SoB releases this winter.

There are only 4 avatars, it says so on the back of the box.

inle_badger said:

SoB doesn't have land based encounter rolls!? I could believe they might not want to include all those overland tiles again, but how are Lieutenants fought?

On the high seas, of course, with a buckle and swash! Arrr!

Well, FFG is right. Everything is better with pirates. What's next, an asian-themed RtL with Ninjas? gui%C3%B1o.gif

PBnJ said:

What I would love to see is a 2nd edition rule book which will fix a good 90% of the rule ?'s out there. But that may never come. llorando.gif corazon_roto.gif sad.gif

please.......... gran_risa.gif

me too llorando.gif

BainIthron said:

Well, FFG is right. Everything is better with pirates. What's next, an asian-themed RtL with Ninjas? gui%C3%B1o.gif

That would be dreadful.

Next will be a desert map from Sands of Alkalim, for sure.

bitva said:

BainIthron said:

Well, FFG is right. Everything is better with pirates. What's next, an asian-themed RtL with Ninjas? gui%C3%B1o.gif

That would be dreadful.

Next will be a desert map from Sands of Alkalim, for sure.

...with ninjas.

Hmmm... This news doesn't make me too happy. I want too expand upon the current campaign, make it nice and huge :)

Not start a completely seperate one. I am not liking FFG's strategy that all expansions should be completely standalone with just JitD required. I only play RtL with all the other expansion, and I am still sad that all those lava and mist tiles lay about feeling very unwanted :( .

Aah well... Let's hope some components will be usable.

edroz said:

My money is on a stand alone campaign game similar to RtL that integrates with RtL. Given their track record of stand alone expansions and yet integrating with the previous expansions, this seems to be a reasonable guess.

Something like "Chapter I" and "Chapter II" of the same saga....(in the future, with the next campaign expansions, we coul have more and more chapters....)

This seems Cool!