RtL, experience points question

By Interceptor2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Arrgh! Descent can be so frustrating. I am playing my first Road to Legend Campaign and I am haveing a grand time. However, what is left unsaid and vague (or just plain obscure) in the rules books is killing me.

1) Here's my first question on experience: When the heroes kill a leader, they receive experience points collectively (such as two experience points per hero). The rules don't say this, but I am assuming this is not the case when a glyph is activated is it? The hero activating the glyph gets three conquest tokens. Each hero doesn't get three conquest tokens do they? If that is the case, and indivudual heroes can earn experience independant of other heroes, then do heroes have to spend experience seperately or can they spend it collectively? For example, to this point in the campaign, I have just added the total experience of the heroes collectively...let's say 80 experience points. So, when the heroes go to town, can any of the heroes draw from that experience pool to learn new stuff, or should each hero have his own experience to draw from? Clarification would be great.

2) My second question is about dungeon levels. I read an obscure rule in the FAQ that the Overlord does not generate a new Overlord Deck each dungeon level. When I played a dungeon, when one level is complete, I would re-shuffle the Overlord Deck. I guess this is wrong, and the Overlord continues using the same deck, re-shuffling it once he goes through the whole thing, right? Does this apply to threat tokens, too? From one level of a dungeon to the next, does the overlord keep threat, or does he loose it at the end of a level, needing to start over at a new level?

3) Final question. If three heroes leave level two of a dungeon, and the fourth is still fighting his way to the exit, does the Overlord get threat for the heroes that exited, or just for the remaining hero. Thanks in advance!

Interceptor said:

Arrgh! Descent can be so frustrating. I am playing my first Road to Legend Campaign and I am haveing a grand time. However, what is left unsaid and vague (or just plain obscure) in the rules books is killing me.

1) Here's my first question on experience: When the heroes kill a leader, they receive experience points collectively (such as two experience points per hero). The rules don't say this, but I am assuming this is not the case when a glyph is activated is it? The hero activating the glyph gets three conquest tokens. Each hero doesn't get three conquest tokens do they? If that is the case, and indivudual heroes can earn experience independant of other heroes, then do heroes have to spend experience seperately or can they spend it collectively? For example, to this point in the campaign, I have just added the total experience of the heroes collectively...let's say 80 experience points. So, when the heroes go to town, can any of the heroes draw from that experience pool to learn new stuff, or should each hero have his own experience to draw from? Clarification would be great.

2) My second question is about dungeon levels. I read an obscure rule in the FAQ that the Overlord does not generate a new Overlord Deck each dungeon level. When I played a dungeon, when one level is complete, I would re-shuffle the Overlord Deck. I guess this is wrong, and the Overlord continues using the same deck, re-shuffling it once he goes through the whole thing, right? Does this apply to threat tokens, too? From one level of a dungeon to the next, does the overlord keep threat, or does he loose it at the end of a level, needing to start over at a new level?

3) Final question. If three heroes leave level two of a dungeon, and the fourth is still fighting his way to the exit, does the Overlord get threat for the heroes that exited, or just for the remaining hero. Thanks in advance!

1) Unless there is sentence saying its changed from JitD for RtL, its all the same. So when they kill Level 1 and Level 2's leader(s), they get 2 Conquest for each, which translates to 2 XP for each hero. They activate a glyph, they get 3 CT and thereby 3 XP each. Each hero has his own XP tally, and the Party has a CT tally. When a hero wants to train or buy something that requires XP, they take it from their personal pool. So basically it could be said they all gain the same amounts, but at some point they will have different XP totals probably. Let me know if this doesn't fully answer your question.

2) You keep the same deck, shuffle at the end of it. Remember that the OL still gets 3CT if he goes through his deck, and if he goes through it 2 times on one level, the heroes get ejected from the dungeon. You keep threat between levels of the dungeon, it doesn't reset.

3) I don't have the rules handy but IIRC you still get threat for all the heroes.

Interceptor said:

Arrgh! Descent can be so frustrating. I am playing my first Road to Legend Campaign and I am haveing a grand time. However, what is left unsaid and vague (or just plain obscure) in the rules books is killing me.

1) Here's my first question on experience: When the heroes kill a leader, they receive experience points collectively (such as two experience points per hero). The rules don't say this, but I am assuming this is not the case when a glyph is activated is it? The hero activating the glyph gets three conquest tokens. Each hero doesn't get three conquest tokens do they? If that is the case, and indivudual heroes can earn experience independant of other heroes, then do heroes have to spend experience seperately or can they spend it collectively? For example, to this point in the campaign, I have just added the total experience of the heroes collectively...let's say 80 experience points. So, when the heroes go to town, can any of the heroes draw from that experience pool to learn new stuff, or should each hero have his own experience to draw from? Clarification would be great.

2) My second question is about dungeon levels. I read an obscure rule in the FAQ that the Overlord does not generate a new Overlord Deck each dungeon level. When I played a dungeon, when one level is complete, I would re-shuffle the Overlord Deck. I guess this is wrong, and the Overlord continues using the same deck, re-shuffling it once he goes through the whole thing, right? Does this apply to threat tokens, too? From one level of a dungeon to the next, does the overlord keep threat, or does he loose it at the end of a level, needing to start over at a new level?

3) Final question. If three heroes leave level two of a dungeon, and the fourth is still fighting his way to the exit, does the Overlord get threat for the heroes that exited, or just for the remaining hero. Thanks in advance!

1) Sorry, but this is your screwup, not an obscure rule. You are confusing CT with XP . Nobody gets/earns XP ever. They always get CT (the heroes collectively, the OL individually of course). The party CT total translates as individual XP totals for the heroes, which they can collectively (for Tamalir Upgrades) or individually (for hero upgrades) spend. This means that each hero will have an individual XP total which is made up of (party CT total - collective spending on Tamalir upgrades - personal spending on personal upgrades).
Example. Party has visited 5 new dungeon locations (5CT), activated 12 glyphs (36 CT), killed 8 junior Bosses (16CT) and 3 senior Bosses (12 CT) and found 3 empty chests (3CT). Total party CT is currently 5+36+16+12+3=72
Party has upgraded Tamalir's market (6XP each hero, IIRC)
Hero A has bought 1 fatigue upgrade (20XP) and 1 extra skill (20xp). Hero A has 72-6-20-20=26XP left
Hero B has bought 1 fatigue upgrade (20XP) and 2 extra black dice (15XP each). Hero B has 72-6-20-15-15=16XP left
Hero C has bought 1 wound upgrade (20XP) and 1 silver dice, (black + silver upgrade, 15XP and 20XP). Hero C has 72-6-20-15-20=11XP left
Hero D has bought 2 new skills (20XP and 30XP). Hero D has 72-6-20-30=16XP left

2) Yep, this is a screwup in the rules and not your fault!
The deck generation is supposed to be once per dungeon (at the beginning of the first level). At that time you generate you deck (swap in any treachery cards), shuffle, draw three cards and put the reinforcement counter out eyes up.
At the beginning of each other new level (2nd, 3rd, etc) the only thing you do is put the reinforcement eyes face up. You do not re-generate your deck, you do not reshuffle, you do not throw away your threat and hand and you do not draw three new cards. Basically it is similar to starting a new Area in vanilla descent. The OL just carries on as usual. The only special thing is that you turn over the reinforcement counter to eyes up (although the heroes get an advantage of consecutive turns because they always go first on a new level).

3) Threat is always generated for the number of heroes in the game, not the number of heroes in a dungeon or encounter. Not being in a dungeon or at an encounter does not mean that hero is no longer in the game. Thus, in RtL, the normal threat number is always 4. Even when a hero dies during an encounter and is no longer present 'anywhere', that hero is still in the game (just not currently active) and the OL still gathers threat for him.

One moment: if the overlord cycles the deck twice on the same level (not on the same dungeon?), the heroes get ejected? How should that work? I only can imagine starting the level with three or so cards left...

That really is the only time. You start a level with minimal cards, and then the heroes take forever to get through it.

Stefan said:

One moment: if the overlord cycles the deck twice on the same level (not on the same dungeon?), the heroes get ejected? How should that work? I only can imagine starting the level with three or so cards left...

Its partly there to prevent the heroes from sitting on the level, sending one person back to Tamilir to heal to full at a time, and then going on to the next level.