Seems they've designed more of a boardgame then roleplay game. Perhaps it'll appeals to new customers but will alienate most of the current fans. Are they really going to attract the new fan base they need to support the game with a $100 price tag? I don't know, but it looks like a recipe for failure. I guess I'll wait for the reviews before judging the game, but I can't say I like the direction they seemed to of taken with the game and wouldn't be sad to see different company get the license again. I'm still playing 1st edition with modifications from 2nd edition, I'm doubting 3rd edition is going to offer me something new, especially since the mechanics don't appear to cross over like 1st and 2nd could. So I won't be buying it.
I'm guessing FFG doesn't listen to the current fans
onlinechaos said:
I guess I'll wait for the reviews before judging the game,
It sounds a bit late for that.
You miss understand. It could be a fun game or it could be crap, I don't know. I am judging their marketing decisions.
With typical releases of new editions of roleplaying game there is at least some cross over so characters from one can be tweaked very minimally for the next edition. I have a library full of 1st and 2nd edition books I can use to play Warhammer. As it is I don't need to buy something that isn't in some way roughly compatible with what I own. Now if they'd do something new like develop a game that took place on a different continent like a game perhaps centered around the High and Dark Elf struggle… or anyplace besides the Empire then it may be worth buying a system with totally new mechanics to actually have a new experience. As it stands though why spend $100 on a game not compatible with what I have and to adventure within the Empire when I already have an overabundance of the material already to do so?
Bottom-line if they were going to develop such a radically different game I think they should have done something like Rogue Trader where it is a different aspect of the Warhammer World.
Indeed a game with new mechanics in new setting I would actually buy. The biggest fear I have had of the new version is not that it will be very different. As we tailor any ruleset for our "house", the mechanic doesn't matter really. The biggest fear is that we will see all the books we've already bought updated to the new system. Some (worst case scenario: most) of the fluff, lore and pictures recycled from the old books. I hope that FFG is brave enough to have their first supplement to 3rd ed. be something new, dwarfs, elves, tilea&estalia.. The list is so old I wont continue.. you know it..
Indeed Ymrar, re-printing books it what i fear the most. Sadly, as all those books are incompatible with the new rules, it seems like that is just what we're going to get.
onlinechaos said:
That is so August 13th.
No, not really. Race for the Galaxy doesn't have a board, Yatzee doesn't have a board, some call D&D 4e a boardgame, and it doesn't come with a board, just saying a game doesn't have a board (or a map) doesn't mean it's an RPG, nor does it mean it doesn't qualify under the same category that boardgames fall under. FFG itself has a Blue Moon game which is a card game, but registered under it's BOARD GAME forums.
Perhaps if they get MORE SPECIFIC on what exactly deviates it into the RPG realm from the simple game and board game realm. I'm wanting more specifics on exactly what this new warhammer Roleplay consists of. It would be a simple thing to either make a statement that it is the same or different, OR 5 minutes to show us what exactly these new characters are going to look like, and if they have ANY resemblence to what was there in WFRP before, or if they appear to be more in common with Descent and the Descent Characters. I've seen a card thus far that has NO resemblance to an RPG really, but bears a striking resemblance to things that I've seen in RP boardgame characters, a box, and what appear to be some rather thin booklets. More info on WHY this is an RPG would be nice, rather than skirting around the issue.
Yes, I prefer people to be direct. I prefer it in business as well...makes me easy to deal or not I suppose.
A game doesn't stop being an rpg because it has physical aids aside from character sheets and dice.
Exalted has charm cards, combat wheel and essence counters but is still very much an rpg and Deadlands or SAGA games don't become card games just because they use playing cards, etc. etc.
I think you are reading too much into what simply seems like preprinted player aids aimed at helping you keep track of what you character can do - and given the way some of my friends write and treat their normal character sheets (and books) this may be a really good thing!
42! said:
A game doesn't stop being an rpg because it has physical aids aside from character sheets and dice.
Exalted has charm cards, combat wheel and essence counters but is still very much an rpg and Deadlands or SAGA games don't become card games just because they use playing cards, etc. etc.
I think you are reading too much into what simply seems like preprinted player aids aimed at helping you keep track of what you character can do - and given the way some of my friends write and treat their normal character sheets (and books) this may be a really good thing!
Physical aids are one thing. A drastic change to the mechanics is another. It remains to be seen where this will fall. A change to the mechanics can definitely hamper the RPG aspect, at least if you play it with the rules as written. People will point out that you can ignore or change certain rules, and that's true (heck, you could make an RPG out of the monopoly board game if you wanted to ignore the rules), but at some point you pass a point of diminishing return. If you're ignoring and/or changing all the rules, what's the point of playing it?
I think the aids themselves aren't the problem here, but rather the fact that taken with some of what has been announced about the game they start to look like more of a 4e D&D game than anything else, and so people are concerned. If FFG offers these things simply as aids, but has essentially the same game in place with some updated mechanics, then no problem.
ymrar said:
Indeed a game with new mechanics in new setting I would actually buy. The biggest fear I have had of the new version is not that it will be very different. As we tailor any ruleset for our "house", the mechanic doesn't matter really. The biggest fear is that we will see all the books we've already bought updated to the new system. Some (worst case scenario: most) of the fluff, lore and pictures recycled from the old books. I hope that FFG is brave enough to have their first supplement to 3rd ed. be something new, dwarfs, elves, tilea&estalia.. The list is so old I wont continue.. you know it..
Totally agree, a new game system in a different setting of the Warhammer world would have been so much more interesting and worth the risk of purchasing a game system with a high price tag. Yes, I know it could be a bargain if it comes with four books etc, but the outlay is still to large for the initial purchase.