Word Adventure Template?

By KennyBu, in Game Masters

Does anyone have a template for word that has the look of the official FFG modules?

If not how about the ones created for the Order 66 podcast adventures?

I've been using the style guide ( https://explorers-on-the-edge.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/style-guide ) for my Obsidian campaign so I can create the adventures on the web, but I would prefer to create them in Word and export them to PDF.

Any ideas?


Several people were kind enough to help me with page backgrounds. Oggdude included a link to a Word Template that I think will be perfect for you.

Edit - Something to consider though. I don't use word as much as I use OpenOffice, but it may have the same issue with page backgrounds not stretching to cover the whole page. If you have that issue, you might want to consider using a Desktop Publisher instead of a Word Processor. It will look much better, and you can still import the actual text from your word processor.

If you don't have one already, you can download Scribus for free. It has some issues, sparse documentation, and a bit of a learning curve. That said, it works and is far less expensive than the other options.

Edited by FangGrip

Thanks That Worked!

These templates are fantastic! thank's everyone, exactly what I needed.

If you want I have created a Style Guide for Edge of the Empire . It also contains a permanent link to OggDude's Adventure Template as well.

If you want I have created a Style Guide for Edge of the Empire . It also contains a permanent link to OggDude's Adventure Template as well.

Thanks, I love to index too, excellent work!

Thank you very much, I am glad it helps.

These links are dead. Has anyone still got these templates?