What Snow White? Foil or non-foil, I have the foil version, but I need the non-foil.
Selling everything I have more haves up soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
foil but i wouldn't give it away anyway it's for my collection.
jacoby915 said:
oh sorry but i'm actually getting a snow white from a friend soon.
how bout foil cid?
getting one to just waiting to recieve it i do need a non foil timk if you have it
I would also like your Riku foil promo for my deck and do have some of your other wants to.
have both let me know if you want to do anything..
Darkwing Duck said:
have both let me know if you want to do anything..
i'll do my aladdin lv1 & 2 for both of them
ok ill send you an email with me info i think i still have yours.
thanks and trade updates
trade updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some updates for those that actually care
trade, want, and haves updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trade updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
updates!!!!!!! once again
hi i have the simba lvl sr and i might be able to get some of the srus you need but all i am seeing that i want is
destiny island SR
lesser wants
ansem -set 3
the flag promos
let me know what naruto cards you have for trade. please send me an email becasue i check that more often. also i dont mean list every naruto card you have i just mean let me know what sets and names. im looking for some of the more staple competitive cards as an fyi
I sent you an e-mail plz reply or post here.
What would you want for your End of the World lvl 2?
Money or Simba Lv4 SR which ever you have.
I'll have to pass then. Thanks anyway.
Selling everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The cards aren't worth anything anymore, lol