
By Tiacapan, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Yes I know there are a dozen topics bemoaning the apparent travesty that is WFRP 3rd edition already but the only way to express our disappointment properly is to make sure that FFG are made aware of how wrong this change of direction really is. From the preview alone it seems that the soul has been well and truly sucked out of WFRP to dumb it down for the latest generation of GW kids.

I will definately be giving this a big miss, hang your heads in shame FFG.

Tiacapan said:

Yes I know there are a dozen topics bemoaning the apparent travesty that is WFRP 3rd edition already but the only way to express our disappointment properly is to make sure that FFG are made aware of how wrong this change of direction really is. From the preview alone it seems that the soul has been well and truly sucked out of WFRP to dumb it down for the latest generation of GW kids.

I will definately be giving this a big miss, hang your heads in shame FFG.

Yeah, great just what we need . Another thread about how bad this game is. Seriously, people no one has played 3rd edition yet so why is everyone saying how bad it is? No offense but everyone seems to be ranting about something that has barely just been announced.

Because the offical release from FFG (which presumably is all the best things they can say about the game) make it sound like a pile of dreck?

Seriously, the information we've been given makes it sound like they've taken everything I loved about WFRP and replaced it with everything I don't like about D&D 4e and Descent.

Possibly the game will turn out to be miles better than I'm expecting, but if it does it will bear no resemblance to the press release. Plus, how would I find out? Normally I decide whether or not to buy a new game by thumbing through the rulebook and seeing how it works. How do you do that with a sealed box?

Thanks but no thanks.

I have to admit I dislike D&D 4th edtion but at least I waited and looked at multiple previews and reviews to see if was any good. I looked at multiple reviews with different opinons and decided that D&D 4th wasn't for me. This is different. With WFRP 3rd edition no one seems to see anything good about it. Now I know the press relases might make it out be bad for some of you but can't anyone have at least a bit of faith about this new edtion. Afterall this is WFRP we are talking about. If FFG can't pull through then the fans can just house rule the new system or stick to the old system. There is no reason why we should always complain about a new edtion when the other one works just fine.

lordsneek said:

I have to admit I dislike D&D 4th edtion but at least I waited and looked at multiple previews and reviews to see if was any good. I looked at multiple reviews with different opinons and decided that D&D 4th wasn't for me. This is different. With WFRP 3rd edition no one seems to see anything good about it. Now I know the press relases might make it out be bad for some of you but can't anyone have at least a bit of faith about this new edtion. Afterall this is WFRP we are talking about. If FFG can't pull through then the fans can just house rule the new system or stick to the old system. There is no reason why we should always complain about a new edtion when the other one works just fine.

Exactly. At present, people are complaining about nothing. No one knows how the system works, no one knows what any of the rules, characters, etc will look like, so I really don't know what's gotten into people. I always thought the WFRP lot were the mature lot of the RPG bunch, but this announcement seems to have brought out the judgemental grognard side of them.

We might as well all wait and see. No point in saying "It's not the same as v2, I hate it!" without reading it, because, yea, it's different, but you might like it anyway.

With D&D 4e I took a good long look at the rules before I decided I didn't like it. I could do that for several reasons:

1: Entry cost for D&D 4e is much lower than WFRP 3e (cost of PHB vs cost of boxed set).

2: It's a book that I can flick through in the shop or borrow easily from a friend without needing to reference all the cards for careers, tactics etc.

Also, WotC actually make D&D 4e sound good. Read the promotional blurb on their website and it sounds like a roleplaying game (and I'll actually give it the benefit of the doubt and admit that it is, just not a very good one). FFG make WFRP3 sound like a board game with no board.

If I see anything to make me change my mind (i.e. rulebook, or positive reviews from someone who's actually played it and who's opinion I trust) then fine, but until then I'll hang onto my pessimism. After all, it's all I have based on the info that FFG have given us.

Oh, and I'm not just saying this because it's different from v2. I own more RPGs than I can easily count, I'm always open to new systems and if this looked anything like a decent system I'd be in there like a shot. I've always had more money than sense when it comes to buying new games. For me to say that any new game looks too bad for me to even consider spending money on it really is a pretty damning endictment.


lordsneek said:

I have to admit I dislike D&D 4th edtion but at least I waited and looked at multiple previews and reviews to see if was any good. I looked at multiple reviews with different opinons and decided that D&D 4th wasn't for me. This is different. With WFRP 3rd edition no one seems to see anything good about it. Now I know the press relases might make it out be bad for some of you but can't anyone have at least a bit of faith about this new edtion. Afterall this is WFRP we are talking about. If FFG can't pull through then the fans can just house rule the new system or stick to the old system. There is no reason why we should always complain about a new edtion when the other one works just fine.

Exactly. At present, people are complaining about nothing. No one knows how the system works, no one knows what any of the rules, characters, etc will look like, so I really don't know what's gotten into people. I always thought the WFRP lot were the mature lot of the RPG bunch, but this announcement seems to have brought out the judgemental grognard side of them.

We might as well all wait and see. No point in saying "It's not the same as v2, I hate it!" without reading it, because, yea, it's different, but you might like it anyway.

Well then you can accuse FFG of REALLY poor advertising then. It isn't just that WFRP 3rd ed is different from 2nd ed that has caused dislike. If the game is supposed to be how the optimists are describing it then the marketing should have been pretty clear in that regard. The first taste we get of the game should be a completely positive one, rather than a vague description in ways that alienate the current fanbase.


lordsneek said:

Tiacapan said:

Yes I know there are a dozen topics bemoaning the apparent travesty that is WFRP 3rd edition already but the only way to express our disappointment properly is to make sure that FFG are made aware of how wrong this change of direction really is. From the preview alone it seems that the soul has been well and truly sucked out of WFRP to dumb it down for the latest generation of GW kids.

I will definately be giving this a big miss, hang your heads in shame FFG.

Yeah, great just what we need . Another thread about how bad this game is. Seriously, people no one has played 3rd edition yet so why is everyone saying how bad it is? No offense but everyone seems to be ranting about something that has barely just been announced.

Maybe because this is the only way consumers can show their dissapointment?


lordsneek said:

I have to admit I dislike D&D 4th edtion but at least I waited and looked at multiple previews and reviews to see if was any good. I looked at multiple reviews with different opinons and decided that D&D 4th wasn't for me. This is different. With WFRP 3rd edition no one seems to see anything good about it. Now I know the press relases might make it out be bad for some of you but can't anyone have at least a bit of faith about this new edtion. Afterall this is WFRP we are talking about. If FFG can't pull through then the fans can just house rule the new system or stick to the old system. There is no reason why we should always complain about a new edtion when the other one works just fine.

Exactly. At present, people are complaining about nothing. No one knows how the system works, no one knows what any of the rules, characters, etc will look like, so I really don't know what's gotten into people. I always thought the WFRP lot were the mature lot of the RPG bunch, but this announcement seems to have brought out the judgemental grognard side of them.

We might as well all wait and see. No point in saying "It's not the same as v2, I hate it!" without reading it, because, yea, it's different, but you might like it anyway.

Or it might be that we love WFRP 2E and wanted more sourcebooks. Many of us were perfectly happy with the rules and just wanted an expansion of accessories and supplements for the game we already had.

People are well within their rights to make that complaint.

Well said! and the new dices are just a big middlefinger in the face of their consumers and a big "we don't trust you". Why cant i play it with REAL dices? i don't want to buy extra expensive dices because i lost one.

Very bad style ffg, and the ratcatcher deal was very low.

There would not have been the furor had they released this game under a different title, or at least not as WFRP version 3.

That implies the loss of version2. V2 would have been low maintenance to continue on with side by side with this new game.

Instead they remove v2 from ever receiving new content and replace it with a different game.

Of course people aren't going to be happy. It's like discontinuing Beta and releasing VHS. No more updates, no more support for the game people were already playing and enjoying.

If they released this game alongside v2 then many would have picked it up as something for fun, but if you tell people it's the only option for Warhammer 'roleplay' material, well they aren't going to be happt.


I completely agree Hellebore.

Anonymus said:

lordsneek said:

Tiacapan said:

Yes I know there are a dozen topics bemoaning the apparent travesty that is WFRP 3rd edition already but the only way to express our disappointment properly is to make sure that FFG are made aware of how wrong this change of direction really is. From the preview alone it seems that the soul has been well and truly sucked out of WFRP to dumb it down for the latest generation of GW kids.

I will definately be giving this a big miss, hang your heads in shame FFG.

Yeah, great just what we need . Another thread about how bad this game is. Seriously, people no one has played 3rd edition yet so why is everyone saying how bad it is? No offense but everyone seems to be ranting about something that has barely just been announced.

Maybe because this is the only way consumers can show their dissapointment?

And that's the point, contrary to how it may seem I'm not just whining for the sake of it or to jump on the bandwagon . I've been playing WFRP for over 20 years and I'm disappointed to see this massive change of direction when the game was working just fine as it was (both 1st and 2nd edition in my view). My issue is not whether it's now a boardgame (clearly not) or whether it's a "real game" but in the gimmicky style that has been adopted which seems far too finicky, fussy and unecessary to me.

Do I think the game will be bad, don't know. Do I think it'll be fun? Possibly. Do I think it's for me? No, sadly. Is it warhammer? I guess so but maybe trying this radical approach on an original system would have made more sense.

I think FFG have got this one wrong and the only way I have to express this to them is to comment here, so if I'm classified as just another troll or doomsayer then so be it. I prefer to think of myself as a disappointed fan expressing my opinion.

Tiacapan said:

Maybe because this is the only way consumers can show their dissapointment?

And that's the point, contrary to how it may seem I'm not just whining for the sake of it or to jump on the bandwagon . I've been playing WFRP for over 20 years and I'm disappointed to see this massive change of direction when the game was working just fine as it was (both 1st and 2nd edition in my view). My issue is not whether it's now a boardgame (clearly not) or whether it's a "real game" but in the gimmicky style that has been adopted which seems far too finicky, fussy and unecessary to me.

Do I think the game will be bad, don't know. Do I think it'll be fun? Possibly. Do I think it's for me? No, sadly. Is it warhammer? I guess so but maybe trying this radical approach on an original system would have made more sense.

I think FFG have got this one wrong and the only way I have to express this to them is to comment here, so if I'm classified as just another troll or doomsayer then so be it. I prefer to think of myself as a disappointed fan expressing my opinion.

Yeah, but there are already 10+ threads about how bad this game is. Do we really need another one?

lordsneek said:

Yeah, but there are already 10+ threads about how bad this game is. Do we really need another one?

Jadrax, I can assure you I don't give a <insert appropriate expletive here> about "points" whatever those are, I don't post online often enough to worry about post counts or anything else along those lines.

And why start another thread? Because in my opinion it makes the point more effectively than putting a post in another longer thread where no-one will ever see it, I for one think the number of people who have started separate threads shows a depth of feeling that is harder to ignore and therefore a more effective way of expressing yourself.

Tiacapan said:

Jadrax, I can assure you I don't give a <insert appropriate expletive here> about "points" whatever those are, I don't post online often enough to worry about post counts or anything else along those lines.

And why start another thread? Because in my opinion it makes the point more effectively than putting a post in another longer thread where no-one will ever see it, I for one think the number of people who have started separate threads shows a depth of feeling that is harder to ignore and therefore a more effective way of expressing yourself.

Also this thread is not about how "bad" the new game is. We can't know yet if the new game is good, bad, or after the RCT Hoax even if it is real.

It is about the decision to take WFRP to brand new mechanics rather than just revise and improve the current rules. I for one agree this is wrong.

Keep in mind that WFRP has gone thru some Dark Ages where the game died, no publisher, and the only thing that kept it alive for over 20 years are serious die hard fanatics like myself. People kept producing fan material for the game they loved and kept it alive. These same fans are touchy when it comes to "their" game. When trying new and innovative ideas for a roleplaying game system it is best to do so with a new game as a test. If the system is successful then consider switching an existing game to the new system. Once there was talk about moving WFRP to d20 and you had the same reaction so I'm not surprised at all to the reactions WFRP3e is getting.