Was a 40kesque split in Warhammer. Seperate games for different sections of the world.
It is obvious this one is in no way WFRP, for a start your PC starts out as a HERO (as per the blurb for the product), emphasised I think deliberately.
What I was hoping for is 'A Ratcatcher's Tale' being the low end WFRP experience the current game is and this one to be the high end of heroes. However the inference has been that a ratcatcher's tale is not a real product, leaving only a game of heroes slaughtering enemies.
I don't see how they can claim it to be true to the original game if from the very start your character is described like this: "As a hero, you will take up weapon, spell, or prayer and do your best to combat the might of enemies terrifying to behold."
Sounds like D&D, not Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
Obviously they think that normal people fighting the good fight in a world gone mad doesn't sell to the ADD kiddies of today. you need to pwnzor everyone or you aren't cool.
I find it very sad.