OL is getting stuffed

By mordak5, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Playing for the first time, and after 1 full 3 level dungeon, and 2 encounters in which the heros completed the dungeon and encounters, I have the grand total of 12 XP for the first week.

Reading other posts I seem to be doing really badly, am playing as the demon king, but the heroes are 3 level 4 and 1 level 2 hero, the level 2 has spritwalker, and was using at range 10 in the first dungeon, I now know that it should have been range 5, but I still seam to be getting a right thumping, everything seems to be geared for the heros, and nothing for the overlord, in the inital setup.

They had the toughest hero run 10 spaces or move up with guard order up, and then the hero with spiritwalker used a battle action from the range of the first hero, they also have a hero with the ability to stop spawning within 5 spaces, its a nightmare in the small dungeons.


trees block line of sight, so if a monster is behind a tree, can the heros use blast on the tree square, and blast the monster at the same time.

mordak5 said:

... the heroes are 3 level 4 and 1 level 2 hero, the level 2 has spritwalker, ...

What do you mean by level 4 and level 2? Heroes don't have levels in Descent. Do you mean conquest value (number in the bottom left corner)?

mordak5 said:

Playing for the first time, and after 1 full 3 level dungeon, and 2 encounters in which the heros completed the dungeon and encounters, I have the grand total of 12 XP for the first week.

Reading other posts I seem to be doing really badly, am playing as the demon king, but the heroes are 3 level 4 and 1 level 2 hero, the level 2 has spritwalker, and was using at range 10 in the first dungeon, I now know that it should have been range 5, but I still seam to be getting a right thumping, everything seems to be geared for the heros, and nothing for the overlord, in the inital setup.

They had the toughest hero run 10 spaces or move up with guard order up, and then the hero with spiritwalker used a battle action from the range of the first hero, they also have a hero with the ability to stop spawning within 5 spaces, its a nightmare in the small dungeons.


trees block line of sight, so if a monster is behind a tree, can the heros use blast on the tree square, and blast the monster at the same time.

2 encounters in the first week? Not technically possible I think?

Yes, the heroes can Blast a tree and catch a monster behind the tree and out of LOS of the hero in the Blast.

While you do seem to be doing quite badly, it is entirely possible that the heroes simply got 3 easy dungeons and/or you got a poor draw of cards and so weren't able to do much damage. Not all dungeon levels are equal and if the heroes can get through them fairly quickly it gets very hard for the OL to build power effectively.
Not sure how you get to 12 with 1 for the week and only 2/4s available after that. Surely if you went all the way through your deck you would have gotten more than 8CT from kills!

Possible things for you to check (that you probably got right, but could be wrong):
- Boss monsters have considerable bonuses - usually +8-12 wounds and 1-2 armour. That usually makes them a bit more difficult to kill before the heroes have much treasure equipment.
- When you start each extra level in a dungeon (after the first) you keep your cards and threat from the previous level. Part of the section about starting a new level is wrong and is actually written about starting a new dungeon, rather than a new level. The FAQ clarifies this. You also get to flip the reinforcement marker for free (ie, it starts each level eyes up).
- the rules for markets work differently. There is a limited supply of treasures, but more importantly a very limited supply of potions.
- When you start a new level, all the heroes begin in the dungeon. They may not begin a new level in town. This is important because some players made this mistake and were running hero A to activate a glyph then bringing heroes B-D out from the glyph far forward in the first turn, thus greatly speeding their passage through a level as well as enabling them to kill the monsters deployed deep in the level easily and immediately.

There are other things that may be wrong as well, but if any of these are mistakes you made, in combination with the 10range spiritwalker, I would strongly suggest starting again and calling that a practice week.

Kirga is also a 3CT hero (that may be how you got 12 CT total), and an extremely good one at that. It is good that you are playing an Eldritch specialist Avatar rather than a humanoid specialist because Kirga really kills humanoid spawns. At least your upgraded spawns will be able to spawn beyond range then move and attack.

My 12 xp were came from 1 for 1st week and I killed 2x4 cost hero and 1x2 cost hero. then +1 for the start of week 2 = 12

Dungeon was level 17 then 16 then 15 really crappy monsters, and I was not putting the eyes up between levels, so that didn't help.

2nd week heros had an encounter which they won easlier, I only had three wendigos, really annoying having to wait until they kill one before I can use reinforcements as there are only three wendigos in the box.

then they continued their move and attacked my lt. Still playing that part, will see how it works out, but they have a blast weapon so that makes it harder to gang up on them, and no power cards other than Alrics doom card. (no treachery yet).

I do think that they got a bit lucky with the combination of hero's and skills that they started with, but hope that as the OL gets some XP to spend I can beef up my stuff.

Also Spiritwalker has been errated from RTL to FIVE squares IIRC.

yeah we never noticed spirit walker had been changed until after they finished 3rd level of the dungeon, and we carried wounds over on the undead monsters as well, which we shouldn't have.

mordak5 said:

Dungeon was level 17 then 16 then 15 really crappy monsters, and I was not putting the eyes up between levels, so that didn't help.

Those are three relatively easy dungeons, though the one with three bosses can go very wrong ifa few undying rolls are made.

Good to know, I guess I will hope for some tougher dungeons next time.