CotW review

By shak-auspride, in Hollow Bastion

As some of you may be aware, each week, or thereabouts, a new Card of the Week review is posted on Universal tcgs for Kingdom Hearts. this week, the review is of Set 3: Light & darkness as a whole set. The whole article can be found on the link below, but here is the beginning to get you in the mood:

Light And Darkness: A set in review
Ok fellow avid gamers and collectors alike, we have now all grown accustomed to those shiny things called set 3 that have arrived on our doorsteps. Looking over the set top to bottom, many of you are wondering “where does all this go?” or “how can I make this card work in my deck?” or even “What does Deep Jungle lvl 3 taste like?” Well I may not be able to answer the last one, you’d have to ask Roxas that, but as to the first two, I am about to try.
You see, this week, instead of limiting my review to just one card, I will give an overview of the entire new set, Light and Darkness. My hope is that this will help any new players understand the set, and also give the more experienced a bit of an inkling into what it will do for the game, and what cards to look out for...

Very nice set review overall mate.

It's true that the meta-game has changed, the game is more methodical, strategic and open to more options, themes, variations and play styles. Of course we will see one sort of archetype being played more than the other but that doesn't necessarily make it unbeatable.

The game is young, healthy and needs more players like you to open to all the opens in the sets to come.


P.S Deep Jungle Tasted awful corazon_roto.gif