Like one say, better late than never (sorry about that i just got home from a trip in China just after the tournament ^^)
What to say, quite a lot of things i guess ^^
It was quite a really nice tournament although there were onyl 10 players, some of my playgroup couldn't find time to come (family...) and a playgroup of 8 people from Vannes couldn't due to money issue (quite understandable ^^). Even with that those who came were really motivated (special mention to Alex who is an old player who haven't played for 1-2 years and after hearing about the tournament just 3 days before, just came to have fun), we had 5 players from Paris and 5 from Nantes, almost like a Nantes Vs Paris match lol
I did the tournament in 3 rounds with a cut at top 4.
Top 4 Table
So the final ranking was as such
1- Damien Chauveau (Dams) / Akuma
2- Sebastien Cathelin (Juzam) / Sakura
3- Fabien Micheli / Ivy
4- Jean-Marie (Kamelor) / Chun Li
5- Vincent Degrandis (Nighty) / Sakura
6- Marc Declais (Zisizit) / Hilde
7- Stephen Jeanne-Rose / Seong Mina
8- Mikaƫl Thomas (Solaufein) / Ukyo
9- Alexandre Le Bellu / James Hata
10- Damien Havart / Zi Mei
Every players and me (yeah the chinese one on the middle )
(You will remark that i haven't applied the diversity rules, i thought that with that much participants there isn't any meaning to do it)
On Conclusion, i am quite happy to have organized this event but a little sad that a lot of players couldn't come, anyway, it was really enjoyable and each player went back home with a lot of prizes ^^