Increasing skills in RtL?

By Stefan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi guys,

when we played RtL, we experienced that the skills and character attributes varied greatly during the course of the campaign. While some the use of some of them is always the same (like Leadership or Boggs the Rat), some others loose drastically as the campaign level increases (like Aura 1). So we decided to let the skills that include absolute numbers grow, while the relative skills (like Leadership) stay the same. Aura 1 is nice on copper, but once a monster has 12 or 16 life, one damage isn't making any difference anymore. Same goes for command: since it is enhanced at monsters, why not with the heroes too?

What do you think?

That's starting to mess with balance issues and I don't know that I would do that. It makes sense, sure. But, I don't know if the heroes need any more buffs as the game progresses. I think silver and gold treasures do enough to balance out the potentially stronger monsters. Also, don't forget that heroes can always learn new, non-random skills at undestroyed cities.

+1. Unless you are planning on buffing evil, don't bother buffing good.