Winnie the Pooh vs Player Card Equipment

By zeroGrace, in Rules Discussions

For a Xaldin deck, an ideal situation would be that player having 6 spears on him; meaning an attack value of 17. ~

Now, let's say I play Winnie the Pooh (L&D) which renders a player's attack card to 0, does this count total attack value of player and equipments? This has something that has been puzzled me in awhile, I wanted to ask earlier but it was pure laziness that got me to post now.

Thanks for your help.


A lot of people are thinking it hits equipment too. My gut says it doesn't because he says that the atk value of the card is 0, not the player, if that makes sense?

this is the same story with wakka. pooh effect continuously checks the player. at the store i play at, the effects go like this

pooh sets player to 0

wakka/equipment adds to the total

pooh sees that the atk value is not 0 and resets it

wakka/equipment has already provided its bonus and is not applied anymore

So do we know what the official ruling on this is? Because I always thought it was just the player's attack value, but now I'm not too sure.

I assume they become 0 cause the equipment and such are added to your players attack value and like what Joe said Pooh keeps rechecking though the thing I had been wondering is how that works when challenging since everything you bring into the challenge is added to your characters attack value and wouldn't that make Pooh turn it all to 0, but unless it doesnt recheck during a challenge.

Kiro13 said:

I assume they become 0 cause the equipment and such are added to your players attack value and like what Joe said Pooh keeps rechecking though the thing I had been wondering is how that works when challenging since everything you bring into the challenge is added to your characters attack value and wouldn't that make Pooh turn it all to 0, but unless it doesnt recheck during a challenge.

Think about what you just said and how much of a headache that would be. Okay, well, Pooh checks all the time, except when he doesn't? Really? This is why I'm maintaining that it really needs to be just the actual Player Card, like Pooh says. If you create a player card with 0 atk, then you give them equipment, it's now 0+x. That's what Pooh's doing here. And yes, he negates Wakka because Wakka specifically says that your card gets +1 atk. Equpiment is attached, and grants a bonus to when you attack.

Fairbanks said:

Kiro13 said:

I assume they become 0 cause the equipment and such are added to your players attack value and like what Joe said Pooh keeps rechecking though the thing I had been wondering is how that works when challenging since everything you bring into the challenge is added to your characters attack value and wouldn't that make Pooh turn it all to 0, but unless it doesnt recheck during a challenge.

Think about what you just said and how much of a headache that would be. Okay, well, Pooh checks all the time, except when he doesn't? Really? This is why I'm maintaining that it really needs to be just the actual Player Card, like Pooh says. If you create a player card with 0 atk, then you give them equipment, it's now 0+x. That's what Pooh's doing here. And yes, he negates Wakka because Wakka specifically says that your card gets +1 atk. Equpiment is attached, and grants a bonus to when you attack.

This would be the correct way to look at it.

Well it's cuz his effect is constant and thats why it constantly checks the attack value of all player cards, and if equip cards can not be effected, then wakka's effect along with cards like Diz and etc. would have effect too...Wakka persay is like an equip card because it gives it a added attack while it's on the field...same for equip cards, and equip card attack is constantly stuck on the player card, adding its support value with the player as long as it s on the field. So I understand why it's treated like the same as wakka...the only difference is that wakka is a friend that gives suppport to the player while Equip is attached to the player card giving support to the player. Pooh doesnt effect attack cards because of the fact that it's a one time use type of deal.

Equipment provide their bonus to the total support provided by whatever card they are attached to. Wakka specifically says a value on your player card changes. Pooh says a value on your player card is 0. This is the difference.

sungtrs said:

Well it's cuz his effect is constant and thats why it constantly checks the attack value of all player cards, and if equip cards can not be effected, then wakka's effect along with cards like Diz and etc. would have effect too...Wakka persay is like an equip card because it gives it a added attack while it's on the field...same for equip cards, and equip card attack is constantly stuck on the player card, adding its support value with the player as long as it s on the field. So I understand why it's treated like the same as wakka...the only difference is that wakka is a friend that gives suppport to the player while Equip is attached to the player card giving support to the player. Pooh doesnt effect attack cards because of the fact that it's a one time use type of deal.

Rereading this, also, don't forget Kiro's point, that if Pooh does as you say, every challenge is an auto-tie until they get rid of him.

i vote that it is not constant for this reason. It contradicts the ruling on another card, the dark card that says the player attack value is 0 when battling it. Now i asked about this ruling because of the fact that the rules says attack cards, friend cards, and magic/friends all RAISE the players attack value! so when battling or challenge the damage given by the those cards are not separate but all part of the players attack. but alas the card was ruled that it only effects the base stats of the player. so with winnie out it doesn't make sense to all of sudden include equipment in the equation seeing how equipment serve the same function as attack, friends, etc. i don't see why winnie wouldn't work for those but work for equipment?

am i missing something?

Fairbanks said:

Equipment provide their bonus to the total support provided by whatever card they are attached to. Wakka specifically says a value on your player card changes. Pooh says a value on your player card is 0. This is the difference.

but regardless both give support if wakka is effected by it i don't c y equipments cant be effected by this either. wakka just says "Your Player card gets +1 attack value" his effect adds +1 until he's removed from the field, same as equips regardless if equips are bonus or not. I mean i get your point, it's just that winnie does constantly checks the player value but the question is if winnie constantly checks, doesn't it also check every single phase? Same for wakka's effect...his effect constantly stays on the player while hes on the field along with equips. Bonus values and added values look the same to me. The things is that i would think bout is that wakka is a friend so I would think that was the reason why his effect is stated that way compare to equips which stays on the player since friends would be gone around battles or challenges n watnot.

So.... (for irony 'n forehead slappin sake I'm doin this)

We have friend cards, we have magic/friend cards, we have magic cards, we have attack cards, 'n we have equipment cards.

An equipment cards add their support to a player card durin whatever duration that it's bein used, 'n Winnie the Pooh reduces the attack value of a player card aye?

What's to say that if Winnie the Pooh reduces the support of the said equipment card (cause it's helpin boost the attack of a player card, correct?), why not the support of friends, magic/friends, magic, 'n attack as well? Do they not add their support to a player card in the circumstance that they need (ie: battle, challenge)?

I mean, really. It's a seperate card altogether. It's specifically design'd to be an outside moderator to a designated card to help along with the attack. Winnie the Pooh cannot touch these seperate cards (insomuch that if he could, other cards would be useless [look through the heartless for this to make sense]) because none of them say that they are the ' Player Card '.

I'll even go out so much to say it bluntly : Winnie the Pooh doesn't affect equipments. Just your player card.

Oh, 'n for the whole Wakka case, Wakka isn't supportin your player card. It's changin your base attack altogether.

Any questions?

*awaits for a hand to arise*

Choitz said:

So.... (for irony 'n forehead slappin sake I'm doin this)

We have friend cards, we have magic/friend cards, we have magic cards, we have attack cards, 'n we have equipment cards.

An equipment cards add their support to a player card durin whatever duration that it's bein used, 'n Winnie the Pooh reduces the attack value of a player card aye?

What's to say that if Winnie the Pooh reduces the support of the said equipment card (cause it's helpin boost the attack of a player card, correct?), why not the support of friends, magic/friends, magic, 'n attack as well? Do they not add their support to a player card in the circumstance that they need (ie: battle, challenge)?

I mean, really. It's a seperate card altogether. It's specifically design'd to be an outside moderator to a designated card to help along with the attack. Winnie the Pooh cannot touch these seperate cards (insomuch that if he could, other cards would be useless [look through the heartless for this to make sense]) because none of them say that they are the ' Player Card '.

I'll even go out so much to say it bluntly : Winnie the Pooh doesn't affect equipments. Just your player card.

Oh, 'n for the whole Wakka case, Wakka isn't supportin your player card. It's changin your base attack altogether.

Any questions?

*awaits for a hand to arise*

Once again...this would the correct way to look at it.

o ic okay yeah cuz i thought the equip card was considered altogether with the player card support value since it was attached, but I still c no difference on the value they give XD just that the cards are separate. That makes more sense to me now lol thanx for clearin it all for us, and like i said on the other post, I tend to support not what the majority say for some reason rofls.