Road to Legend - Can you use these rules with all current quests?

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If you deceide to use Road to Legend, can you use it with all the quests (Including expansions and upcoming quest book)?

I recall someone mentioning the thought of using the Vanilla quests in RtL, but since they're so much larger, having them be a possible replacement for all 3 dungeon levels (and tack on legendary/overlord keep levels as normal if needed. Might not work for rumor dungeons though, perhaps with a little more tweaking), but they might need some adjustment for that as Vanilla has bunches of monsters already set for the map, whereas RtL dungeons have only boss monsters set up, plus choice of up to 4 different monsters sets to place in there where you want them (so long as they aren't on the red area near the level start). Probably not too hard to make work for RtL, but you'd have to check a few things to keep some balance in the game, aside from how many monsters to deal with, also have how much conquest the heroes would be expected to gain in the entire dungeon remain constant. It would change the balance of dungeon vs overland conquest gain if typical conquest gain in the dungeon went from about 20 to about 30.

Monsters, treasures, and the like from the other expansions can be used in RTL, but the campaign mode is designed to replace the quests, so I imagine the quest compendium won't do anything for you. And I'm not aware of anything in the RtL box that's designed for use in non-campaign games.